Author Topic: A CBS News poll has just devastating results for Biden and his team  (Read 176 times)

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A CBS News poll has just devastating results for Biden and his team

By Andrea Widburg
January 17, 2022

With Biden hiding in his basement in 2020, the press got him elected because it created a mythical candidate unrelated to Joe Biden.  The mythic Biden was wise, kind, even grandfatherly.  He loved all people and dreamed of a time when America was a safe, normal place.  Then the real Joe Biden took the oath of office and, despite the media's relentless shilling for him, plummeted in approval.

CBS News, a Biden-friendly "news" outlet, joined with YouGov to poll Americans regarding the Biden presidency.  The news was grim (for Biden and his administration), and there was no way to spin it to make it better.

In America in 2022, the first metric was about feelings: "Biden presidency has made you feel..."  The big numbers were for frustrated (50%), disappointed (49%), and nervous (40%), with only 25% each for "calm" and "satisfied."  (People apparently had more than one choice.)

When the poll got to the nitty-gritty, it was clear that the Biden administration is leaving Americans feeling abandoned.  On the economy, 58% of people polled felt that the administration was not focusing on it enough, with only 35% thinking the administration had hit the sweet spot. It was even worse for inflation, with 65% believing that Biden and his team are ignoring it and only 28% thinking he got it right.

Those numbers looked good compared to asking about success, as opposed to "focus."  On the economy, 62% disapproved of Biden's handling.  Again, it worse on inflation, with 70% disapproving of Biden's handling.

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