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Offline Kamaji

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On Having to Show My Papers
« on: January 15, 2022, 08:57:06 pm »
On Having to Show My Papers

I have both shots, but I can't in good conscience comply with the vaccine regime.

By:  Declan Leary

January 15, 2022

Through no fault of my own, I am fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The timing is fortuitous, though: As of today, the city I call home (God willing, not for long) is requiring all of its citizens to prove they got the shot if they want any chance of participating in society.

Per order of the mayor, proof of vaccination against the Chinese virus must be shown upon entering all indoor dining, cultural, recreational, and event locations, from now until some indeterminate point in the presumably distant future.

The order includes a few notable exceptions. In an interesting reversal of the class hypocrisy at the heart of so much Covid tyranny, the employees of these establishments are not required to be vaccinated—only patrons. (Apparently one group poses a great risk to the other, but the virus cannot travel in the opposite direction.) No proof of the jab is required for those entering a facility to use the restroom, to order takeout, or to do any kind of contract work. (Previously, the implicit logic of the restaurant-health regime was that Covid could only catch us when we stood up from our tables; now it’s that Covid only targets people who sit down at them.) Retail establishments are entirely in the clear—as are (rather more justly) grocery stores, food banks, homeless shelters, and houses of worship. For no particular reason, I am sure, all government buildings are exempt.

No exception is made for those who can provide proof of a negative test, nor is there even any carveout for Washingtonians who have natural immunity against the virus from a previous infection. What’s more, the vaccine requirement is effectively laid on top of Mayor Muriel Bowser’s third citywide mask mandate. So even if you catch the virus, then recover, then test negative, and double-mask before heading anywhere, you still have to prove that you’ve taken an experimental drug to hopefully keep from catching the virus you already caught, because the mayor (unilaterally) says so.

Actually, it may not even be about keeping you from catching the virus; recently—right around the time we realized these vaccines don’t do a great job preventing transmission—the narrative turned on a dime to insistence that they were never supposed to stop transmission, but to mitigate the symptoms only of the vaccinated person himself once he contracts the virus.

*  *  *


Offline Kamaji

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Re: On Having to Show My Papers
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2022, 09:21:32 pm »
It is all the more concerning given the precedent we risk setting if we tolerate the vaccine mandates. As a number of conservatives have warned repeatedly these last few months, even begrudging compliance with irrational diktats issued by the Covidcrats gives the ruling class valuable strategic ground. Moving forward, we can only expect our government to become less sensible and more immoderate if we refuse to push back now. As TAC’s Helen Andrews wrote last week, “Once Americans get accustomed to scanning a QR code every time they enter a building, there is no limit to the surveillance and nudges that can be built on top of it.”