Author Topic: Want to Know Where Your Money Goes? Sex, lies and the United States Navy — Meet “Fat Leonard”  (Read 105 times)

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Want to Know Where Your Money Goes? Sex, lies and the United States Navy — Meet “Fat Leonard”
by Knave Dave
Sunday, Jan 09, 2022 - 12:00

This article by David Haggith was published originally on

Rumors of wars grow common as US ships increasingly deploy in such places as the Arabian Sea and Red Sea.

Leonard Glenn Francis is a Malaysian businessman who infiltrated the greatest power on the high seas and built a billion-dollar empire by providing officers with orgies, Dom Pérignon champagne and security paid for by the USA. And, now he’s squealing like a … rat.

“Manilla, 2007. The chauffeured Mercedes crawled south for half an hour in the interminable traffic – the turbid waters of Manilla Bay on the right. The middle-aged men packed inside the cars were in an exuberant mood…. Leonard Glenn Francis was taking out the senior commanders of the US 7th Fleet. These were the most powerful navy officers in Asia, and they controlled the movements of around sixty ships and submarines, 150 aircraft, and 20,000 sailors in a huge operational area, stretching from Hawaii to India….

“The men moved quickly through an air-conditioned lobby and through a curtain at the back. On the other side, Filipino women – many just students – sat in rows in a kind of fish bowl, identifiable not by their names but by the numbers attached to their skimpy outfits…. Always the…big boss or Lion King to these navy officers, Leonard dominated the action….

“The afterparty was in the $4,000-a-night McArthur Suite at the Manilla Hotel…. It was General Douglas McArthur’s home and operational command during World War II. The men piled into the Spanish-Mission-style room with wooden ceiling beams, marble tiles, an ornate chandelier and heavily draped curtains. Leonard … stocked the suite with $10,000 bottles of Dom Perignon…. The two-bedroom suite was filled with McArthur memorabilia. In the suite’s study, two ornately carved wooden chairs – the only objects to survive the Battle of Manilla, stood in front of a desk…. One of the men, quite drunk by now, opened a case on the desk containing a replica of McArthur’s famous corn-cob pipe and grabbed a woman.”