Author Topic: Everything You Want to Know About National Security Can Be Learned in a Nightclub  (Read 175 times)

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Everything You Want to Know About National Security Can Be Learned in a Nightclub

December 26, 2021 by Christopher Paul Meyer


National security is becoming a sexy topic again. Thanks to the Daesh attacks, foreign policy, military concerns, and intelligence issues are as hot as Kylie, Kourtney, and Kendell. A re-energized American public now re-litigates issues like the Iraq War, the profiling of Muslims, and the length of leash we should give the NSA.
What can the nightclub scene teach us about national security? Quite a lot, actually.

Yet the issues remain muddled. It’s hard to decipher the Pentagon’s jargon, the politicians’ posturing, and the intelligence community’s secrecy. Especially if you have no first-hand experience to guide you. After all, less than 1% of the US population has served in the military since 9/11. And even fewer have experience in the alphabet-soup of law enforcement or intelligence agencies.

But damn near everyone knows what it’s like to get buzzed on a Friday night. A lot more people go to nightclubs than to MEPS. But here’s the thing — if you really want to understand the national security issues of today, you just need to understand the security of your Friday night watering hole. What can the velvet rope teach us about border security? What does the size of the bouncer have to do with the defense budget? How is Iran like the partygoer who cops a feel on a passing waitress? Here are the five biggest lessons that nightclubs teach us about national security. You’ll never look at a nightclub the same way again.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 12:53:46 pm by rangerrebew »

Offline Kamaji

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Interesting article.