Author Topic: It turns out that, if you doubted COVID’s deadliness, you were correct  (Read 63 times)

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It turns out that, if you doubted COVID’s deadliness, you were correct

By Andrea Widburg
January 11, 2022

Something peculiar has become clear over the last two years: Leftists seem to enjoy the COVID panic. For them, it started with the camaraderie of lockdowns and morphed in the smug self-righteousness of the masks and vaccinations, all made shiveringly delicious with that soupçon of fear that pairs well with totalitarian mandates. CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky’s appearance on Monday’s Good Morning America, however, may destroy that delightful emotional castle in which leftists have immured themselves. It turns out that most vaccinated people no longer need fear imminent death.

It’s been very weird for those of us who have maintained some degree of objectivity about the whole COVID uproar to see leftists maintain their high degree of terror about COVID despite their being vaccinated and boosted. JP Sears perfectly captures the illogical combination of fear and the lust for power that has seen the leftists ramp up their paranoia even as Omicron proves to be innocuous and they’re madly injecting mRNA treatments into their bodies:

However, it’s going to be very hard for them to maintain both the panic and that undeserved power they’re exerting over others. Walensky has acknowledged that, when it comes to vaccinated people who still died from COVID, almost 80% of them had one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel:
