Author Topic: We Can’t Stop The Spread Of Omicron, So Stop Trying To Mandate It  (Read 66 times)

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We Can’t Stop The Spread Of Omicron, So Stop Trying To Mandate It

By:  Jordan Boyd
January 10, 2022

It’s past time for a return to normal since vaccine and mask mandates clearly don’t stop the spread of COVID-19 or new variants like omicron.

If the recent spread of the newly surfaced omicron variant has taught us anything, it’s that we can’t stop the spread of COVID-19 with vaccine mandates.

While progressive cities in the U.S. trip over each other to mandate vaccine passports for entry to restaurants, gyms, and stores, and the Biden administration claims its vaccine mandates are necessary to combat the pandemic, vaccinated people everywhere are contracting the omicron variant. Even the U.S. Supreme Court’s left-wing justices tried to defend COVID-19 vaccine mandates by falsely claiming that getting the jab prevents the spread of the virus, but the truth is, the vaccine isn’t preventing the spread of COVID.

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Multiple studies indicate that those infected with the omicron variant, including those who have received multiple COVID shots, usually only experience mild and minor symptoms if any at all. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that “now-preliminary data indicate a decreased severity with omicron.”

All of these developments have led people like Cory Zue, a Democrat blogger who explained why he did not get the COVID shot, to wonder: “So now we have an impossible-to-stop virus that looks a lot like the common cold. And we have a heavy-handed global mitigation strategy based on vaccination that does very little to stop it. Surely, I thought, we will now see that these policies, and especially vaccine mandates, do not make any logical sense? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

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It’s apparent that COVID jabs aren’t stopping the virus, but that hasn’t stopped health bureaucrats from repeatedly forcing them on the public. Even when they do make minor concessions about the vaccines’ failings, most won’t admit what South Africa did just a couple of weeks ago.

Next, health bureaucrats in the U.S. will probably be tempted to demand N95 masking from everyone. Much like they have in the past, talking heads on CNN and MSNBC will claim that proper masking will be “our ticket out of this pandemic.”

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