Author Topic: No, Mass Immigration Won’t Save the Planet  (Read 113 times)

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No, Mass Immigration Won’t Save the Planet
« on: January 09, 2022, 05:18:37 pm »
No, Mass Immigration Won’t Save the Planet
avatar By Spencer Raley   January 6, 2022 No Comments

One of the more head-scratching concepts pitched by many open borders proponents recently is the idea that unchecked immigration is somehow the key to solving climate change. A recent column published in Vox’s “Future Perfect” section argues that “slower population growth might paradoxically make it harder to pull off [lower carbon emissions].” The solution, according to the author, is to make it a “national priority” to drastically increase immigration into the United States.

This isn’t the first time this concept has been floated. In his 2020 book titled “One Billion Americans,” mass immigration apologist Matthew Yglesias makes the case that the United States should strive to triple its population. His concept is quite simple – everyone who wants to come to America should be allowed to come here, and that will somehow make us richer, and opt for more responsible climate policies. Other far left groups, such as ThinkProgress, have long suggested that more immigration is needed to combat climate change.

If these ideas don’t add up in your mind, it’s because they are completely divorced from reality. It’s nothing more than an irrational attempt by mass immigration advocates to convince the public, primarily those who are both concerned about climate change and support higher levels of immigration, that they can have their cake and eat it too. In reality, unplanned mass immigration is a major contributor to both carbon emissions and the decimation of sensitive ecosystems in the United States.