State Chapters > Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis Optimistic First Lady Casey DeSantis Will Be Cancer-Free in 2022


Gov. Ron DeSantis Optimistic First Lady Casey DeSantis Will Be Cancer-Free in 2022
Breitbart, Jan 8, 2022

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expressed optimism Friday regarding his wife’s battle with cancer, stating he is hopeful First Lady Casey DeSantis will be cancer-free in 2022.

“We’re not out of the woods… She’s a public figure, a lot of people care about her, and a lot of people have been praying for her, and that makes a huge difference to us, and we really appreciate it,” Desantis explained during a press conference in Lake Butler, documented by the Hill. 

"At the same time, you know it’s a medical issue for the family, which, it’s generally a private thing,” the governor continued. “So we felt it was important to let people know she was dealing with it at the outset.”

DeSantis later shared his optimism regarding his wife’s progress in her battle with breast cancer.

“We’re not through with it,” he explained. “We’re getting closer to the end…Our view is that 2022 will be the year where we can say that she is cancer-free, and that will be something that will be really important.”


Continuing to pray for our good governor and his entire family; especially his wife.

Casey is a good woman.

Thank you for being by my side from the beginning, but especially yesterday as we celebrated my FINAL Chemo Treatment together. I’m grateful, very humbled and blessed.   (Video)

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