Author Topic: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.  (Read 140202 times)

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #725 on: December 07, 2022, 09:26:22 pm »
This will always be my favorite Foreigner song, back before they went commercial.

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #726 on: December 07, 2022, 09:40:29 pm »
This will always be my favorite Foreigner song, back before they went commercial.

That’s my favorite, as well.
Brothers, sisters, come on down to that river
Guaranteed you'll never be the same
There's a fountain flowing from the heart of the Savior
Bring your sins and all your guilty stains
Let that river of life wash it all away

River of Life - Mac Powell

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #727 on: December 07, 2022, 10:21:07 pm »
Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is   (One of my favorite Foreigner tunes)
Continued prayers for Trump's safety and that the Lord God Jesus Christ surrounds him with angels to protect him from all evil. 

May HE also have mercy on this country and stop the evil that keeps prevailing.

Offline catfish1957

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #728 on: December 08, 2022, 04:52:49 pm »
Classic Album of the Day-  Rush- Moving Picture (1981) *****

First a  disclaimer.  Rush is my favorite band, but you might be surprised, as far as ranking as favorites, I have it at #5 or #6 in their cataglog.  Which puts me in the extreme minority of the huge universe of Rush fans.  Seems almost everyone else has Moving Pictures #1 or #2, usually behind 2112. Why?  From 1981-1983 this LP got way way overplayed, almost to the point I got sick of it.  Used to get laughs when people would come up to me, and ask if heard this new Band Rush, when in essence, I had been loving them 6 years already.

But I will have to admit, this album has their best songwriting of their 19 studio albums, (plus no. 20 if you include their Feedback album of '60's Covers). 5 of the 7 songs on this album get airplay of classic rock stations.  Not many bands can make that claim of one album's success.  This was especially groundbreaking for the band, as it was the first one that Geddy starting truly infusing synth into a line share of the band's product.  Some Rush purist decry that as a departure from the 2112/Permanent Waves epic sound.  But of course, with all music, tastes differ, and one thing that could be said about this band.....   They were not afraid to experiment with new styles and sounds, and at least 60-75% it worked to their advantage in stature as legendary band.

And remarkably....   This album has zero filler.

Side 1

Tom Sawyer- There is no mistaking the phasic power synth chord that starts on the Band's signature song.  Song got massive FM radio play in the day.  And honestly I got sick of it.  Song has drum work that is considered the benchmark of difficulty.  Song was well received for its comments on social commentary, but......... 6

Red Barchetta-  Talk about a prophetic song.  One about banning gas burning cars.  Plus this tune absolute rocks, with some of the greatest syncopative Lifeson/Lee  guitar dueling in their career.  Drumming is insane too.  VROOOOM!!!!!!  3

YYZ-  The bands most famous instrumental.  Name of the song corresponds to their homage to the Airport code of their hometown -Toronto, Canada. Drum/Bass/Ax interplay is incredible.  Some of Geddy's bass lines, and of course the tune was always a fixture at their concerts. 4

Limelight-  Yes, this was overplayed like Tom Sawyer, but at least for me, aged better as an enjoyable song.  Peart was infamous for his privacy, and he chose this song to communicate that fact to his fans.  Maybe the best hooks of the LP too.  If you listen to Classic Rock stations in this era, you'll hear it at least once weekly.  A solid solid pick, as among their best. 1

Side 2

The Camera Eye-  A very much more obsscure tune, if you do not have this album.  But make no mistake, this song loses nothing on content, and sheer talent.  Was kind of unusual for Rush to have "2" instrumental tunes on one album, well this song is 90% instrumental.  Just because this is the lesser of the two, does not diminish its greatness. 5

Witch Hunt-  This is the true super sleeper on this album.  I just absolutely love the dark, deep, and forboding feel of this song. Lyrics so much now embody what supression and persecution we are now witnessing from the left wing socialist woke faction in this country.  I don't think Peart meant it to be the ultimate intent.  But it hits close to home now 2

Vital Signs- At this point, you realize that there isn't a weak moment on the LP.  This one probably most closely mimicks meter and style of earlier Rush, than the rest of the album.  And still it sounds 100 light years of what we remember from 1974 Rush. 7

In any case, if you are a rock fan, and never heard this album in its entirety, you are in for a treat.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:52:24 pm by catfish1957 »
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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #729 on: December 08, 2022, 05:34:06 pm »
Red Barchetta

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #730 on: December 09, 2022, 09:32:56 pm »
Classic Rock Album of the Day-  Kiss- Destroyer (1976). ***

How about a curve ball?  Expect me to come out with a Kiss Album.  Well first the negatives...   Kiss were atrocious musicans.  Everything from 1973-1975 was a garage band crap. 10,000  other garage bands could have made any complation of drivel that came from this group early on.  So why was this one of the biggest bands in the Country in the mid 1970's.  They took the shock schtick mantle from Alice Cooper, and exploited it, like no had ever before. 


The boys borrowed who I feel is the most underated Producers all time for their 1976 work.  Bob Ezrin.  Ezrin previously took an gawd awful "Prettys for You" era Alice Cooper, and made them respectable, on every angle of song writing, musicanship, with that flare for showmanship. The album Destroyer almost seems like a once in a lifetime creative epiphany for the band, and they put together this very solid effort.  As with all Kiss albums, there are massive amounts of innuendo, and lyrical sharing of the Rock and Roll lifestyle.

So with that, here is a producer inspired band, who infused some great production values, and backed off the amps from "11" to "10". And since this has some of the most innovative "hooks" (thanks to Ezrin), I'll spare the song details, and rank the tunes that aren't filler.

Side 1-

Detroit Rock City- 3
King of the Nightime World- 1
God of Thunder- 7

Side 2-

Flaming Youth- 5
Sweet Pain- 4
Shout it Out Loud- 2
Do You Love Me- 6

Filler -

Great Expectations (Side 1)

Beth (Side 2). Yes, this was their biggest hit on the LP, but is one awful syrupy crappy ballad.  Who bought this shit?
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:51:52 pm by catfish1957 »
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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #731 on: December 09, 2022, 10:31:35 pm »
The only KISS song I ever liked was Firehouse, but only because it makes me laugh every time I hear it.  WOO WOO!
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #732 on: December 12, 2022, 01:04:05 pm »
Classic Rock Album of the Day-  Deep Purple- Machine Head (1972) **** 1/2

Before Eddie Van Halen set the bar for being the ultimate Ax narcissist, there was Richie Blackmore.  Back in the day, there weren't many bands bigger than Deep Purple. In fact they held No. 2 billing in the 1974 California Jam behind ELP.  Very talented band that suffered from the iron fisted control of Blackmore.  That fist caused unfortuate lineup changes.  But this one in particular, was them at their pinnacle.
If he'd had any care for the legacy of this band, there wouldn't be any Rainbow tangents, or other temper tantrums.

Purple, still had to live in the shadow of Led Zeppelin, and from what I read at the time really grated on Richie Blackmore. What really makes me dig this era of Purple, was Jon Lord, (again IMO) behind Emerson and Wakeman, the greatest rock keyboardsman of all time.  And in this particular album he smokes it.    In any case, if you want an example of Deep Purple at its best, this is the trick.

Side 1

Highway Star-  Right out of the gates rocking- Great tune, with all members clicking on all cylinders. Jon Lord's (example 1) organ solo is fantiastic.  Blackmore does some nice solo work at the end too. 3

Maybe I'm a Leo- Funky Blusey number that if you put Morrison's voice on it, you might think it was the Doors. Another solid effort- 5

Pictures of Home- Another good one.  This one particular highlight's Paice's excellent percussion runs. I love how Giliam interphases sub-screams, sometimes in almost Robert Plant fashion.  Sometimes you wonder how much the Yardbirds/Zep truly influenced Deep Purple. Glover does a fine solo at the end too.  This is maybe the best tune on the LP showcasing the band's talents.  Not the best written one, but maybe the best technically 6

Never Before- Another foray into a funky-blusey arena. Might be the weakest of a super strong album.  And that is no knock on this tune, it rocks as does the others. - 7

Side 2-

Smoke on The Water-  Opening power riffs are the most recognizable in the entire history of Rock.  If you don't recognize those riffs or this song, you have probably wandered into the wrong thread.  Bad ass song, but like many in my opinion grate on you after hearing it 50,000 times.  Glover's thunderous bass work often gets overlooked in this mainstay of classic rock radio. 4

Lazy-  I mentioned earlier that I felt Jon Lord was the 3rd best in rock history on the ivories.  But given the fact the other two are better (Emerson and Wakeman) are highly prog driven, and peg out the pretentious factor.  Jon Lord in this particular effort made what I feel is the greatest straight out hammond organ driven blues rock in roll song in history. 2

Space Truckin'- Lost in the catalog of Machine behind SOTW, is what I feel is the gem of the entire career of Deep Purple. Song has aged great through the sands of time.  This one brings out the Beavis and Butthead in us.   YEAH!!! YEAH !!! YEAH!!! SPACE TRUCKING!!!!!! 1
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:51:15 pm by catfish1957 »
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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #733 on: December 16, 2022, 02:58:40 pm »
Classic Rock Album of the Day- The Doors- The Doors (1967) ***

Never was ever really a big Doors fan, but one can not discount that no one ever sounded like them before or after.  Their signature sound centered around Ray Manzariak's mesmerizing Hammond, and of course the enigmatic, and ultmate lyricist Lizard God...  Jim Morrison.  The Doors had an absolutely ground breaking LP with their debut effort in 1967.  Though the bad had subsequent albums and hits, they never ever were able to duplicate the creativity and impact of their first.  Many claim that Morrison's destrucitve lifestyle was why.  I in essence, I pretty much agree. 

There is filler on this album including:

Crystal Ship, Alabama Song, End of the Night, and Take it as it Comes.....

The rest of the album, have all had a lot of air play, classic, and back in the time.  Almost everyone should recognize "Light My Fire", which is pretty much considered the band's signature main stream hit.

But the song I want to highlight is "The End"

As a 14 year old kid, I was listening to Beaker Street on KAAY late one night, this 11 1/2 minute epic came on.  THe DJ's supposedly like to take breaks  :cool:.  And how better than spin a tune like this one, or Alice's Restaurant.

As a naive kid, what I heard from Morrison, was beyond strange, beyond comprehension, beyond social understanding.  I did not think a mind would or could delve into such levels of despair and sickness.  Funny, how 50+ years of perspective can change the understanding of lyricism.   Relating beyond the literal, into literary imagery was not in the mindset of a 14 year old.  I hear it now, though no less sick, is a poetic masterpiece. Who knows what went into the interpretation of this Morrison piece, and to best of my knowledge, he never did any synopsis of its intent or what he meant.  Hell, it may have been a drug induced psychodelic vision, all we know.   But we will never know.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:50:50 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #734 on: December 16, 2022, 06:38:29 pm »
Soul Kitchen (Live)

The Doors were a decade ahead of their time.
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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #735 on: December 16, 2022, 06:43:28 pm »
When the Music's Over

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #736 on: December 19, 2022, 05:38:02 am »
Classic Rock Album of the Day-  The Beatles - Sargent Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band (1967)  *****

My great interest in Rock started on Christmas 1965, aged 8 when I received as a gift Meet the Beatles.  Can't remember whether it came from my parents or my Aunt and Uncle, but I flat out wore that LP to a crackling mess.

As a rock band, none can probably claim to be more iconic as The Beatles.  Their history is well documented in so many places, it would be pointless for me to cover. From '62 to most of '66 the Band took a formula of fabulous songwriting rockers and ballads that made them not only a charting band, but a chart dominating band.  I understand there was a point in their early history that they held all 5 of the billboard top spots.  Uncanny pretty much in the era of vinyl, and '45's.

But something historic happened on May 26, 1967.  The Beatles produced an album, so different, so strange, so bizarre, that the mainstream crtics went nuts, and mostly panned as a self destructive move intended to alienate their fan base.

But, what actually happened was the birth of Psychedelia. In modern rock review, this now is considered a top 5 GOAT.  This album has a hypnotic mesmerizing feel to it, that transverses anything close that they had ever done before.  Yes, a few months earlier Rubber Soul and Revolver touch a slight bit on what was to come, but  this was the full fury of massive change of direction musically.

And damn...   every song is a classic.  And sadly, because the Beatles catalog is monitored like a speed trap on YT, there is no chance of providing an entire copy of the LP for listening.

So, instead I will include what I feel are the 3 greatest, most iconic songs for this classic.

And what was so exciting about this era, The Beatles came up with an extension of this genre with Magical Mystery Tour.  an Icon in its own right.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:50:18 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #737 on: December 19, 2022, 07:56:32 am »
Lovely Rita

If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #738 on: December 19, 2022, 10:46:05 pm »
I truthfully wasn't as plugged into the Beatles after Rubber Soul and Revolver. I however paint pictures in my mind (no drugs involved) to go along with the music. Sgt. Peppers was one of the best to paint along with. That says a lot for the lyrics.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 10:46:52 pm by berdie »

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #739 on: December 20, 2022, 05:34:44 pm »
I truthfully wasn't as plugged into the Beatles after Rubber Soul and Revolver. I however paint pictures in my mind (no drugs involved) to go along with the music. Sgt. Peppers was one of the best to paint along with. That says a lot for the lyrics.

In that regard, Magical Mystery Tour is underrated.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #740 on: December 29, 2022, 04:53:30 am »
In that regard, Magical Mystery Tour is underrated.

I almost consider Magical Mystery Tour as a continuation album of Sgt. Peppers.  Same meter, same psychodelic theming, same nonsensical theming and intent.  A masterpiece, just a hair of notch less than its predecessor.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline catfish1957

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #741 on: December 29, 2022, 05:56:13 am »
Classic Rock Album of the Day- Aerosmith- Toys in the Attic (1975). ****

Most rock fans have a particular favorite of theirs when it comes to the "Coming of Age Topic".  Yeah this was blaring on the 8 track and soundtrack during my youthful indoctrination into sin and debauchery.  Aerosmith has had a long and illusterous career.  It has been uneven ride, but there was a period of time in '74 and '75 with "Get Your Wings and this one, that there was no doubt, they were among the royalty of Rock bands at the time.

Toys is more consistent and less filler than Get Your Wings, but I will have to admit their remake of Train Kept a Rollin' is my favorite in their catalog. In any case, this is a fantastic album, and if you want one that best exemplies their talents as hard rockers.....   This is the one.

Side 1

Toys in the Attic-  Bombastic, Chaotic, and bad ass.  The band awesomely and innovatively syncs 2 guitars and a bass into one hook induced riff meister. Perry also does some fantastic solo work mid way 2

Uncle Salty- Boys take it down a couple of notches, in a semi-bluesy tune, that has some decent late song harmonies.  Not near the best on the LP, but not filler either. 7

Adam's Apple- Another Solid Rocker, but as far as overall quality with the full album, lower tier.  6

Walk this Way- Vocal gymastics from Tyler, in this very famous tune.  As far as I know this was the first sampled rock song by the Rap community 4

Big 10 Inch- Band decides to try without success to do a 40's swing number that is just mostly silly sexual innuendo.  Worst part of the LP- 9

Side 2

Sweet Emotion-  This one very song almost defines Rock in 1975.  Even the movie Dazed and Confused played it in its entirety.  For every BeeGees and KC and the Sunshine song, this one was there to counter the stench.  The reversed sounding percussion added to the bombing melody line are unique.  And are permanently ingrained into our pscyhe of the era. 1

No More No More-  After being winded after Sweet Emotion, this Boogie Woogie based keyboards perfectly augments this awesome hard rocking tune, just keeps the buzz going.  3

Round and Round- Another really good solid rocker. Really good Perry solo work, under almost a metal like base, and bass for that matter- 5

You See Me Crying-  All of you know that with a few exceptions, I am not into Rock Ballads.  Unfortunately this is what we get at the close of the LP.  There is some redeeming solo work by Perry at the end of the song.  But meh...  for the most part.  8

« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:48:54 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #742 on: December 29, 2022, 07:36:52 am »
This was the first album I bought as age 11.  On 8-track.  And these two songs are still my favorites of Aerosmith:

If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #743 on: December 29, 2022, 12:20:02 pm »
This was the first album I bought as age 11.  On 8-track.  And these two songs are still my favorites of Aerosmith:

Great Tunes...  Here is my favorite in their entire catalog.  Recorded a year earlier on "Get Your Wings"
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #744 on: December 29, 2022, 07:24:20 pm »
Great tune.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #745 on: January 05, 2023, 03:16:32 pm »
Blowing the Dust off the Vinyl- Decades later-  Aerosmith- Rocks (1976). *** 1/2

I know I just reviewed Toys in the Attic, but got a little curious about others.  I bought this album in 1976, and remember being highly disappointed.  Looking at my vinyl record it is almost pristine.

So, I decided to slap it onto the turntable   for the first time it probably 40+ years.  To might surprise, it is dang good, and a lot better than I remember. I am guessing that the bar must have been pretty high then.  Yes, was there a drop off in quality after "Toys In the Attic"?  Yeah, but there aren't too many albums more iconic than that one in that era.  What really strikes me, is that Steven Tyler's voice becomes and sounds so much commanding than in previous efforts.  It is well documented that this was in the absolute height of their drug abuse era, but is sure doesn't reflect in the sound of the band.

The entire album is quite good, but suggested cuts IMO of greatness......

(1) Sick as a Dog
(2) Back in the Saddle
(3) Lick and a Promise (Perry Guitar work)

As far as radio air play, Last Child is probably the only one you might remember.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:47:54 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #746 on: January 06, 2023, 01:42:38 pm »
Classic Rock Album of the Day- Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon (1973)  ****

First the disclaimers...  (1) I have always liked Pink Floyd, (2) have considered them in my four legged chaired stool of the greatest congregate musicans in rock history that includes....  (Rush, Emerson Lake, and Palmer, Yes, Pink Floyd) (3). With that, I was never really a stoner, so maybe there are aspects of PF that went unappreciated on my behalf.  (4)  Yes, they are among the pioneers of prog.  (5) Finally, and I say this with respect, I think the "P' in Pink Floyd stands for Pretentious.  Sometimes I felt band took their spacy, etheral prog to unnecessary heights that really lost the common listener.

Pink Floyd has a pretty extensive catalog, and they were very prolific in the late '60's and early '70's.  But no album of theirs ever reached this level of titanship as DSTOM.  Many view this album loosly as an early concept LP, I guess the theme of mental degredation due to modern technology could be inferred, but IMO, this work was mostly for "Trippy" value.

Stylisticly, they are all over the map, in a pretty spectacular fashion.  It is a masterpiece, as in the fact that this is the longest charting album in rock history.  It was on the Top 200 from March 17, 1973 to July 15, 1988.  Consecutively charting for an incredible 741 weeks.  No one has even come close to that feat. 

So slap on the headphones, and get ready for the trip......

Side 1-

Speak to Me- Stoner's prep....  SFX starter to get them in the mood I guess. Not sure how this enters into the equation.  Maybe someone might share? 7

Breathe- Nice balladish tune soft rocking, and a notice that PF has upped their orcherstral skills in production.  I have friends who say this song was like their Sgt. Pepper moment. 4

On the Run- Even without the herbal  aids, this piece is trippy as hell. Eyes closed and headphones on, you just might find yourself witnessing a Roswell ship crash.   :silly: 2

Time- The phase in from On the Run, to Time, is the highlight of the album.  As the chimes toll, you are treated to muscial tour-de-blast.  Gilmour's solo work on this tune is special, and really seals the deal. Their early fusing of a soul chorus was so innovative at the time.  And now so copied.  1

The Great Gig in the Sky-  The Soul choir grinds it further,  Huge PF fans loved it.  I wished they had stuck with the script.  Just me I guess. 5

Side 2-

Money- The hit tune everyone remembers.  Really like the song- Very innovative pre-funkish feel and masterful musical chops here.  Message was awesome too.  For a concept album that was to. focus on technological dangers to life,  they sure liked to wander off.   Hey, but who doesn't want a rock band to preach to us about the dangers of monetary excesses. 3

Us and Them- PF fans might slam me for this, but as much as a classic they like to think this tune to be, it is a lullaby for me.  ZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!  No doubt, great musical feat, but not my cup of tea. 10

Any Colour You Like- More instumental more of the same, some jazz influenced sync stuff too.  Meh. 6

Brain Damage- Ditto, with summation 8

Eclipse-  Effective finale.  But still, if you aren't a hard core fan, I like to listen to Side 1, Money, and then put the vinyl back into sleeve. 9
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 09:46:59 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #747 on: January 06, 2023, 11:00:01 pm »
Classic Rock Album of the Day- Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon (1973)


Pink Floyd,Blues from the 25th Century.

The group Pink Floyd and the individual named "Steve Winwood" are,in MY opinion,the finest musicians that have ever lived.

Sure,there ARE others who have produced excellent music,and some of it even approached being a good as SOME of  what PF and Winwood put out,but nobody topped them when it came to musical genius and creativity.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 11:01:05 pm by sneakypete »
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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #748 on: January 07, 2023, 06:53:05 am »
Your opinion of Styx was the same as mine and my friends at the time. Love those albums that you listed. And then when Kilroy was Here came out, it was a huge letdown

Styx songs are properly ranked in inverse order of Dennis DeYoung's presence.  One of the most annoying voices in "rock".  Glad to see he's rightly despised!

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.
« Reply #749 on: January 07, 2023, 06:55:50 am »
Blowing the Dust off the Vinyl- Decades later-  Aerosmith- Rocks (1976)

I know I just reviewed Toys in the Attic, but got a little curious about others.  I bought this album in 1976, and remember being highly disappointed.  Looking at my vinyl record it is almost pristine.

So, I decided to slap it onto the turntable   for the first time it probably 40+ years.  To might surprise, it is dang good, and a lot better than I remember. I am guessing that the bar must have been pretty high then.  Yes, was there a drop off in quality after "Toys In the Attic"?  Yeah, but there aren't too many albums more iconic than that one in that era.  What really strikes me, is that Steven Tyler's voice becomes and sounds so much commanding than in previous efforts.  It is well documented that this was in the absolute height of their drug abuse era, but is sure doesn't reflect in the sound of the band.

The entire album is quite good, but suggested cuts IMO of greatness......

(1) Sick as a Dog
(2) Back in the Saddle
(3) Lick and a Promise (Perry Guitar work)

As far as radio air play, Last Child is probably the only one you might remember.

Nice review! Back in the Saddle is one of my favorite Aerosmith tunes.   Great mix of blues/rock with a hint of funk.