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Classic Rock Discussion thread, including Catfish's Top 20 Lists.

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First of all,WHY is there no general "Music Topic",and I have to invade Catfish's thread to post a music video?

Now,here is the song and musician I came online this morning to post. Anyone who hasn't listened to Mike Farris is missing out on a bit of Majic, and THIS is coming from someone who is NOT a devoted Christian fundie.

Music is music,and love is love,and NOWHERE is love better expressed than in music.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do,expecially the "audience participation" part at the very end.

BTW,THE "AUDIENCE MEMBER PARTICIPATION MOMENT" I mentioned has somehow been edited out of the recording. It is a loss.


--- Quote from: sneakypete on May 17, 2023, 10:55:16 am ---First of all,WHY is there no general "Music Topic",and I have to invade Catfish's thread to post a music video?

--- End quote ---


Free Vulcan:
Don't know if it's considered Classic Rock but I gotta give some play to Ms. Turner.

Classic Rock Album of the Day- Led Zeppelin- Self Titled (1969) *****

I can proudly say now that I have now added 100 reviews, and figured I wanted a special one to mark the century mark.  And interestingly you might have noticed that  I have worked back in order from IV.  What makes this album so unique is not its quality.  Yes it's in the top 5, but honestly the guys had not worked out the formula just right until the tandem of III/IV.  What makes this album so incredibly special is its ground breaking status.  LZ took the Yardbirds fantastic blues sound  and slapped of an ultimate swath of sledgehammer hard rock.  It many ways they out Cremed Creme.  Where Creme had more controlled vocals, Plant added a wailing somewhat reminiscent of what Purple had just added to the Rock world.

Many have claimed that Zep really bastardized and stole the prior 20-40 years of U.S black rural blues, but I for one wholehearted disagree with this opinion.  Page though inspired took many of the covers and rehash into a unique feel that really was not anything coming from the Mississippi at any time.  Page's genius matching with a JPJ/Bonham epic bass/rhythm has rightfully vaulted them into GOAT status.  If you look at the 6 year and 6 album period 1969-1975 from I to Physical Graffiti, no band of the era matched the utter consistency and dominance of this band.   At least from my POV, Jimmy Page is why I wanted to pick up an electric guitar and hopelessly mangle his work. 

Stylistically, this one probably harkens the most to Page's Yardbirds Blues roots as subsequent ones. I very much am guessing that Page keenly observed that the sensation caused was being more around the hard rocking tunes than the blues like remakes.  Still, almost all of this album has considered to be classic cuts. Tunes from this album may not get the same volume of Classic Rock radio air play as those on II, or IV, but at least for me, this one has the charm and mysterious aura of being the "thing" that massively changed rock and roll, even to this day.

Fun Fact:  Supposedly this is the first album made that was sold only in Stereo.  All previous were at first all mono, then a mix.

Side 1-

Good Times Bad Times-  Epic start for this band right of the gate.  Every band member shines in unison.  Solo has such a different feel and texture than almost anything else made in the 1960's.  Yes.  The 1960's were about to end, an not only did they start with a boom, this is the band that knocked the Beatles off the pinnacle of world's most popular bands- 4

Babe I'm Gonna Leave You-  Don't let the pleasant acoustic start to this classic (wash, rinse, repeat) fool you,  all hell breaks out in typical LZ bombastic fashion.  This tune get much airplay to the day.-  5

You Shook Me- Page is a huge Wiillie Dixon fan, and pays homage to this great song in a fine way.  I honestly think this is the most pure blues song that Zeppelin ever did.  Many Zep fans have this higher up the totem poll due to their love of the blues.  I was more into their rocking side. 9

Dazed and Confused-  The hallmark song, and an absolute perfect rock song.  Page may not have been up there with Hendrix in prehistoric ax wizardry, but Page had to be up there close in the vicinity.  Never gets old.  1

Side 2-

Your Time is Gonna Come- This would be a classic for another band, but from the perspective of Zeppelin standards somewhat of a drop off.  7

Black Mountain Side-  Gaelic-ish acoustic that perfectly and in our minds into an abrupt fade into another of our LZ standard classics,  6

Communication Breakdown- Power chords hit you like a 2 x 4 behind the eyes.  Song also has one of my all time favorite Page solos.  This song made many coverts out their existing ax to a Les Paul, that is for sure.  2

I Can't Quit You Baby-  Epic blues LZ umber-  Harkening back to my earlier comment on my preference of rocking zeppelin vs. bluezy zeppelin, this listener prefers the heavy rocking   No knock on this one, it is big in their catalog.  Just my taste.  8

How Many More Times-  What a massively impactful conclusion.  Can not say enough of how many times this LP lingered in the ear waves of youth.  And in so many ways this is so amazing that an album so revered by fans in 1969, does not lose one iota of luster even almost 55 years later.  3


--- Quote from: Free Vulcan on May 25, 2023, 08:45:46 pm ---Don't know if it's considered Classic Rock but I gotta give some play to Ms. Turner.

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@Free Vulcan

I think Tina is highlighted in the "As good as it gets" category.


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