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A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« on: January 08, 2022, 05:37:22 pm »
A theory has been lurking in the back of my mind for the last few months.
I truly hope that this theory is false.
But in politics, you HAVE to consider EVERY possibility.
The theory is as follows:
Maybe Donald Trump actually is a deep state operative.
Maybe the whole reason he was allowed to become President
was to make people think it's okay to take the vaccine.

Maybe all of the great things he did for us,
securing the border,
achieving energy independence,
suppressing terrorism,
restoring the economy,
maybe all those things were just
temporary concessions by the deep state.

Maybe the plandemic is the main event of our day,
and everything else is negotiable.
Maybe the global planners executed this plandemic
to persuade the world's population to receive the vaccine,
which actually IS the Mark of the Beast!

The plandemic was created to scare everyone into accepting social restrictions,
economic diktats, and especially VACCINE PASSPORTS.
There is now a company in Sweden that is marketing their product,
a microchip to be inserted into the right hand or the forehead,
as a convenient VACCINE PASSPORT.

It can be updated to verify that the bearer has received all their shots.
People will be required to have this mark
to even be allowed out of their house!

Maybe the global planners unleased this plandemic
(there is at least one whistleblower who confirms that
China INTENTIONALLY released the virus at the 2019 World Military Games)
during Trump's term
figuring that people would receive the mark more readily
if it's created during the term of a popular President.
Is Mr Trump actually in on the plan?
Or are they just using him?
Either one is possible.
I hope the second one is true.

Nobody likes being duped.
But people dislike even more strongly
admitting that they've been duped.
Many people choose to continue being duped
instead of admitting that they've been duped.
Operation Warp Speed was great from an efficency standpoint.
It removed many bureaucratic barriers,
and streamlined the process for getting the vaccine approved.

But it removed some safety filters.
It got the vaccine approved before it was even possible
to see if it had any long term adverse effects.
And now the FDA has TERMINATED the studies!
The FDA has ensured that they will NEVER study long term adverse effects!

Independent studies are indicating that the vaccine causes heart and brain damage!
If one's goal is to establish a global dictatorship,
they would certainly want to mandate on the entire population
a vaccine that causes brain damage!
I sincerely hope that Mr Trump was sold only on
the efficiency aspect of Operation Warp Speed,
and does not support the brain damage side effect of the vaccine.

Many people that Mr Trump appointed turned out to be deep state operatives.
He replaced many of them when it became clear that they were enemy agents.
( It is REALLY hard to find good help in DC! )
Let's hope that Mr Trump comes to the same realization about the vaccine!
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
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Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao

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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2022, 01:26:55 am »
Moved to Exclusive Cintent > Editorials.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2022, 01:45:41 am »

Online libertybele

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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2022, 01:46:02 am »
A theory has been lurking in the back of my mind for the last few months.
I truly hope that this theory is false.
But in politics, you HAVE to consider EVERY possibility.
The theory is as follows:
Maybe Donald Trump actually is a deep state operative.
Maybe the whole reason he was allowed to become President
was to make people think it's okay to take the vaccine.

Maybe all of the great things he did for us,
securing the border,
achieving energy independence,
suppressing terrorism,
restoring the economy,
maybe all those things were just
temporary concessions by the deep state.

Maybe the plandemic is the main event of our day,
and everything else is negotiable.
Maybe the global planners executed this plandemic
to persuade the world's population to receive the vaccine,
which actually IS the Mark of the Beast!

The plandemic was created to scare everyone into accepting social restrictions,
economic diktats, and especially VACCINE PASSPORTS.
There is now a company in Sweden that is marketing their product,
a microchip to be inserted into the right hand or the forehead,
as a convenient VACCINE PASSPORT.

It can be updated to verify that the bearer has received all their shots.
People will be required to have this mark
to even be allowed out of their house!

Maybe the global planners unleased this plandemic
(there is at least one whistleblower who confirms that
China INTENTIONALLY released the virus at the 2019 World Military Games)
during Trump's term
figuring that people would receive the mark more readily
if it's created during the term of a popular President.
Is Mr Trump actually in on the plan?
Or are they just using him?
Either one is possible.
I hope the second one is true.

Nobody likes being duped.
But people dislike even more strongly
admitting that they've been duped.
Many people choose to continue being duped
instead of admitting that they've been duped.
Operation Warp Speed was great from an efficency standpoint.
It removed many bureaucratic barriers,
and streamlined the process for getting the vaccine approved.

But it removed some safety filters.
It got the vaccine approved before it was even possible
to see if it had any long term adverse effects.
And now the FDA has TERMINATED the studies!
The FDA has ensured that they will NEVER study long term adverse effects!

Independent studies are indicating that the vaccine causes heart and brain damage!
If one's goal is to establish a global dictatorship,
they would certainly want to mandate on the entire population
a vaccine that causes brain damage!
I sincerely hope that Mr Trump was sold only on
the efficiency aspect of Operation Warp Speed,
and does not support the brain damage side effect of the vaccine.

Many people that Mr Trump appointed turned out to be deep state operatives.
He replaced many of them when it became clear that they were enemy agents.
( It is REALLY hard to find good help in DC! )
Let's hope that Mr Trump comes to the same realization about the vaccine!

@unite for individuality  I have thought many of the same things about Trump, which brings me back to the doubts that I had when he was campaigning.  He jumped into the political arena right after Cruz announced he was running.  He took out the other GOP opponents one by one and admittedly stated that Cruz was a tough one to beat. However, Trump didn't go after his biggest adversary in the same way who was Hillary.  What happened to lock her up.

Ok, he became president.  The wall never truly got built even though he had a full majority in both Houses.  In fact Cruz several times pleaded for that wall.  It wasn't until the GOP lost the House, that Trump decided to make a move on the wall, a move that came only a few weeks before the new Congress took place.

You are absolutely correct, his choice of appointees were horrific; Sessions, Barr as prime examples. What about Pence?? How did he come about selecting someone so eerie and at the end of the day, IMO failed on Jan. 6

The insurrection/Floyd happened and though he commented several times he was going to stop the insurrection he allowed it to happen.

We can go through a lot of what if's but he displayed the utmost patriotism, he got many things done very quickly especially with the economy.

The pandemic hit -- he brings Fauci in.  That one flabbergasted me.  Even Obammy shut down Fauci's research for fear of a pandemic .... so ... it again brings questions and doubts.

One thing that has always stood in the back of my mind, Trump walks a fine line and does things his way to an extent. I think he wanted a second term and that what kept him in line.  If he wins re-election, he will be Trump unleashed and that has always concerned me. 

He has liberal NY values and roots -- his associates like Giuliani are troubling.  Giuliani is a liberal clown and that's who he chose to represent him?? He also plunked Jared and Ivanka in the WH; all in my books pretty liberal.  Something will all of them just wasn't the right choice.

Time will tell .... I think this year is going to perhaps reveal more politically, even where Trump is concerned.

At the end of the day though, if not Trump, then who??
« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 01:47:52 am by libertybele »
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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2022, 02:03:39 am »
'He is a Great Business Man, NOT a Politician', what could possibly go wrong?  screams the Barker at the Circus.

His wheelhouse proved to be UNobtainable, in spuite of his ego.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline jafo2010

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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2022, 06:18:07 am »
At the end of the day though, if not Trump, then who??
Seriously?  Come on man!  I could name a bench of ten people, all of them better than anything the Dems would throw, and I believe better than Trump.  Trump was an utter idiot on resources.  It was not just Sessions and Barr, two deep state weenies that did nothing but try to control Trump.  Look at all the Obama generals Trump used at the start of his administration.   Look at the 1,400 Obama appointees he kept for well over one year into his administration.  This is very unusual and reeks of DEEP STATE CONTROL.

If Trump is not part of the deep state, he was certainly rendered into a Charlie McCarthy state.  They pulled strings and he or those around him responded accordingly.

And the vaccine being the mark of the beast is an interesting possibility.

A paper is coming from a group of CDC doctors that clearly indicates the vaccines have a max efficacy of 40%.  What happens to the vaccine mania then?  The CDC is already admitting that they withheld information, and even lied to the American public.  Are the pieces of the puzzle coming together yet?

Regardless of all the virus/vaccine nonsense, Trump did in fact fail the American people.  All his accomplishments get wiped out with the aw-sh*ts.  DAY ONE promise to end H1-b Visa Program, months into his presidency, he meets with the tech billionaire oligarchs, and he increases the numbers of H1-b Visas.  BETRAYAL!!!  A note of irony, a handful of oligarchs control Russia, and we now know a handful of oligarchs control the USA.  So much for our beloved republic!!!

Promises to build wall, and even his own party does not support him.  Trump is no different than had Perot become POTUS.  Neither one had or would have had folks working with them in Congress to affect change.  BETRAYAL BY MANY

Something stinks to the high heavens, and the details we will never know perhaps, but rest assured, some where in the middle of it all is the desire by very wealthy folks to greatly reduce the global population by any means.  I say the vaccine is the first step to begin that process.  If virologists claiming the vaccines will eliminate the natural immunity in the body, mass numbers will begin dying of cancer and AIDS like maladies about one year down the road, and perhaps that will result in half of all people dying quickly from the vaccines.  I believe there is more truth in that likelihood, and if so, I sure as hell do not want Trump back. 

And as long as the modern day genocidal manic Dr Mengele Fauci is knocking around, you know something is still rotten.  And Trump kept that maggot around and defended him daily when Trump was prone to terminate anyone he slightly suspected of being out of line.  The stink is worse than a battlefield of 50,000 dead left in the sun for a week in the height of a summer heat!!!

Wake up sheep!!!  There is a sh*t ton rotten with this world, and Trump is NOT the answer. 

DeSantis would be more effective than Trump could ever be.  Mike Pompeo too.  There has to be a reason he dropped 70 pounds.  Perhaps it is a run for POTUS.

Or maybe we just go with President AOC.  Believe me, half the country are dumb enough to elect her.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 06:36:21 am by jafo2010 »

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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2022, 12:48:08 pm »


Although I should apologize for that. It's not your fault you are mentally disturbed. The DNC AND the RNC have been working for years to destroy our system and turn America into a police state,even though some of our elected representatives were themselves too stupid to realize what they were doing,and just joined in with the treasonous classes because that seemed to be the safest way for them to get re-elected.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2022, 01:01:05 pm »
Man that was some heavy shit right there.  :shrug:
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2022, 05:19:50 am »
@unite for individuality  I have thought many of the same things about Trump, which brings me back to the doubts that I had when he was campaigning.  He jumped into the political arena right after Cruz announced he was running.  He took out the other GOP opponents one by one and admittedly stated that Cruz was a tough one to beat. However, Trump didn't go after his biggest adversary in the same way who was Hillary.  What happened to lock her up.
First off I agree that eliminating her from the field for the future should have been done. She has missed glorious years among the prison population. Trump had a weak DOJ (in terms of justice), and they jumped on the Russia/collusion thing immediately. They are supposed to uphold the law, but they have been mighty picky of late as to whom they uphold what law against.

Still, going after Hillary would have looked like he was making a retaliatory strike, not a case with merit, and even after that merit was proven, the Media were rabidly going after Trump (and still are).

None of the crimes Hillary committed got squat for traction in the MSM news cycle--nor did Hunter's until 'the big guy" started stepping in poo like a blindfolded guy dancing in a feedlot. Hundred(s) of pedophiles did not make front page news. Instead, the MSM is downplaying the most heinous of crimes by walking with the Democrats promoting judges who are soft on baby-rapers.
Ok, he became president.  The wall never truly got built even though he had a full majority in both Houses.  In fact Cruz several times pleaded for that wall.  It wasn't until the GOP lost the House, that Trump decided to make a move on the wall, a move that came only a few weeks before the new Congress took place.
Where was the GOP???
Trump doesn't initiate revenue or spending measures, that all comes through the House. The GOP had it for two years and .....>crickets<  Again. Trump managed to divert some already appropriated funds to get done what he did get done, but the Congress was doing bupkiss, as usual.

Why is it that the Democrats always manage to put their whole wish list into some omnibus spending bill just in time to "keep Government from shutting down" (The horror!) but the Republicans are still trying to find their hindparts with both hands and a flashlight two years later?
You are absolutely correct, his choice of appointees were horrific; Sessions, Barr as prime examples. What about Pence?? How did he come about selecting someone so eerie and at the end of the day, IMO failed on Jan. 6

The insurrection/Floyd happened and though he commented several times he was going to stop the insurrection he allowed it to happen.
Sessions, Barr, were deep state but had served the GOP and I think Trump assumed the GOP would be behind a Republican POTUS. Oops.

As for the riots, Trump was restricted by Federal Law (as was 'W' during Katrina): he could not send in the National Guard unbidden.
The Governor or Mayor has to ask.
They did not.
To do so would have given the slavering impeachment mongers a real case of federal overreach. Those riots were bait, and he didn't bite. So the destruction remained on the local authorities or state governments (many of who were Leftist sympathizers). Sad, but true.
We can go through a lot of what if's but he displayed the utmost patriotism, he got many things done very quickly especially with the economy.

The pandemic hit -- he brings Fauci in.  That one flabbergasted me.  Even Obammy shut down Fauci's research for fear of a pandemic .... so ... it again brings questions and doubts.
Trump did not bring Fauci in. Fauci had been head of NIAID since the Reagan Administration. Once the pandemic hit, it was a tad late to fire Fauci, and although firing the top dogs at the CDC, NIAID, and FDA would have been a good move, we only know that in retrospect, and had no reason to believe that DOCTORS would act in any but the public's or America's best interest.

Trump is neither a doctor nor a medical researcher; he was at the mercy of his 'experts' whom we all now know were corrupt, but who were assuring Trump and the world that "the science" was correct. Only those of us who did extensive research on our own to find out about the virus, the effects, the alternatives and medication available, and the mRNA injections or who read the information from those who had (banned from Facebook and Twitter and YouTube) knew that what we were seeing in the MSM was NOT accurate.  The move to conceal the Gain of Function Research by exporting it and sliding it money through a middleman, even in China, was done by the Obama Administration, likely to keep the whistle from being blown and to conceal the funding and continuation of the research. It was the Pandemic that brought all that into the open. Without that, most of us would have been unaware of what was going on and had been going on.
One thing that has always stood in the back of my mind, Trump walks a fine line and does things his way to an extent. I think he wanted a second term and that what kept him in line.  If he wins re-election, he will be Trump unleashed and that has always concerned me. 
Trump did walk a fine line, but frankly, he had to be so squeaky clean that anything that even appeared to be out of line would launch another round of Investigations and subpoenas and insanity, not to mention 24/7 media crap. Failure to walk a fine line would have had everyone in his administration getting raked over hot coals by the Democrat Congress and the MSM.
That would have been paralyzing, even worse than the problem with having key staffers and formers grabbed at gunpoint. Re-election, had he been able to accomplish more other than by Executive order would not have deterred him, nor would it have made for total insanity on his part. He used Executive Orders because they were the only way (even when the GOP held both houses of Congress) to get anything done.

He has liberal NY values and roots -- his associates like Giuliani are troubling.  Giuliani is a liberal clown and that's who he chose to represent him?? He also plunked Jared and Ivanka in the WH; all in my books pretty liberal.  Something will all of them just wasn't the right choice.

No arguments about the NY values, nor the way that background skews  a person's POV about what is conservative or liberal (Leftist), because it unarguably does.

People from the Northeast tend to be far more Liberal in their most Conservative views than someone from the rural South, Midwest, or the Rockies--or, for that matter, most anywhere rural.

"Rural" is the key, there, because Leftists tend to congregate where they do not have to be responsible for clearing the road of snow to get to the highway, where the water is piped in instead of from a well, and all the modern conveniences that tend to be more difficult to come by, more expensive, or just up to the individual to provide for themselves in rural settings. Guns are a tool, and the basis of security in rural areas where response times might be measured in half hour increments, (although some parts of some cities may not be much better, time wise, at least we know we are on our own).
Freedom, especially via vehicles, is necessary just to function because the MTA doesn't come within walking distance, and would not take us close to where we work, anyway, as a rule. The differences between the bi-coastal urban areas, and even the interior major Metro areas and the vast rest of the country are profound, affecting our philosophy, endurance, patience, work ethic, and even religious devotion--in areas where sometimes it is up to us and God--and mostly God--if something essential is going to get done. 

City folks are, well, different.
That said, he has been around, befitting the line from If: 'To walk with kings nor lose the common touch.' from what I have seen.
I do not agree with all he has done, and believe he was seriously misled by the Deep State hiring pool of career bureaucrats who endure from administration to administration, underestimated in their ability to make things happen or not, as their own agenda coincides with the policy (or not), deeply infiltrated and heavily populated by the minions of the Left.
This is the level of Government we should be most concerned with, because it is the one that actually writes the omnibus Bills, makes the rules, creates the loopholes, and at the bottom of it all enforces the policy.

If they don't acknowledge it, it does not exist and did not happen. If they flag it, no matter if it is in compliance with the complete letter of the law, procedurally and in fact, the act of defending one's self, family, company or behaviour can be expensive enough that those who plead guilty to heinous crimes will get off lighter than the innocent person just mounting a defense--all over some rule that never was voted into law. He exposed a lot of this to people who were unaware of it before, and that alone is a good first step.
Time will tell .... I think this year is going to perhaps reveal more politically, even where Trump is concerned.

At the end of the day though, if not Trump, then who??
To the first, yep, I reckon we're going to find out.

To the second, good question. It is time we asked ourselves, though, just in case there is no alternative to finding another candidate.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2022, 05:35:50 am by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline jafo2010

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Re: A disturbing theory about Trump and COVID
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2022, 07:50:21 am »
libertybelle and @unite for individuality 

I have thought many of the same things about Trump, which brings me back to the doubts that I had when he was campaigning.  He jumped into the political arena right after Cruz announced he was running.  He took out the other GOP opponents one by one and admittedly stated that Cruz was a tough one to beat. However, Trump didn't go after his biggest adversary in the same way who was Hillary.  What happened to lock her up.

Ok, he became president.  The wall never truly got built even though he had a full majority in both Houses.  In fact Cruz several times pleaded for that wall.  It wasn't until the GOP lost the House, that Trump decided to make a move on the wall, a move that came only a few weeks before the new Congress took place.

You are absolutely correct, his choice of appointees were horrific; Sessions, Barr as prime examples. What about Pence?? How did he come about selecting someone so eerie and at the end of the day, IMO failed on Jan. 6

The insurrection/Floyd happened and though he commented several times he was going to stop the insurrection he allowed it to happen.

Trump will not win in 2024, I don't care who he runs against.  They will fix the election again.  Buttboy could run and beat Trump.  Change a few ones and zeroes and kapowee, instant victory for the cheaters.  Nothing was done with the cheating of 2020, and the Democommies will be more emboldened.

Until we end electronic voting, mass corruption will fix elections.  And the Republicans are complacent or things would have been done.  Long term prison terms would have been handed out for the perps, and all that happened was a pat on the back for a good job done.

The only thing that will save this nation will be term limits.  At least that way the dirt will flush out occasionally.

I believe Trump is either part of the deep state or controlled by them.  I noticed a distinct change in Trump's rhetoric which became tamer at some point into his presidency, and i suspect someone approached him and told him we will take out your family one by one unless you do as you are told.  His two aw-sh*ts whipped out 1,000 that-a-boys.  He did not build the wall for the blue collar workers, and he did not end the H1-b Visa Program, which would have benefited the white collar workers.  He totally betrayed the American people, and I do not want him back.  I will not vote for him again.