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MUSINGS ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or We are all North Koreans Now)
Well-reasoned and well-written.
Disturbing, too.
You have obviously been paying close attention to the threads connecting global governments, corporations and organizations, and how their common interests now stand at odds with those of most individual citizens.
We desire more freedom and choices in all endeavors; they insist we must have fewer.
We want our leaders held accountable for their actions; they want to be insulated from our judgment.
We demand information and knowledge; they give us propaganda and lies.
And it is always for our benefit that we citizens are denied and demanded to sacrifice: for the good of the economy, for the planet, for society, for certain unnamed "others".
And when we refuse to cooperate?
That is when the stream of invective, insult and abuse begins.
"Shut up", they explain. Get back in line. Wear your mask. Get your shots. Don't ask questions.
Our elites narcotize us with endless torrents of broadband info on all devices at all times, depressing our interest and motivation while distracting attention from what they are truly up to, which is in essence: remaking the entire world to ensure their permanent control over it.
But as @Smokin Joe said (quoting Dylan Thomas): I will not go quietly into that night.
--- Quote from: andy58-in-nh on January 12, 2022, 03:32:31 pm ---@massadvj
Well-reasoned and well-written.
Disturbing, too.
You have obviously been paying close attention to the threads connecting global governments, corporations and organizations, and how their common interests now stand at odds with those of most individual citizens.
We desire more freedom and choices in all endeavors; they insist we must have fewer.
We want our leaders held accountable for their actions; they want to be insulated from our judgment.
We demand information and knowledge; they give us propaganda and lies.
And it is always for our benefit that we citizens are denied and demanded to sacrifice: for the good of the economy, for the planet, for society, for certain unnamed "others".
And when we refuse to cooperate?
That is when the stream of invective, insult and abuse begins.
"Shut up", they explain. Get back in line. Wear your mask. Get your shots. Don't ask questions.
Our elites narcotize us with endless torrents of broadband info on all devices at all times, depressing our interest and motivation while distracting attention from what they are truly up to, which is in essence: remaking the entire world to ensure their permanent control over it.
But as @Smokin Joe said (quoting Dylan Thomas): I will not go quietly into that night.
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--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on January 07, 2022, 05:28:56 pm ---America's lack of quality brains will lead to mass starvation of zombies.
--- End quote ---
O.K. That was seriously funny.
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