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A Time for Fighters
« on: January 05, 2022, 04:57:40 pm »
A Time for Fighters

by Christopher G. Adamo  January 4, 2022

As the one year anniversary of the 2021 January 6 US Capitol Episode approaches, the left is planning an enormous commemoration. It is guaranteed that all of their moral grandstanding, fake tears, and phony patriotic sanctimony of the past twelve months will pale in comparison to Thursday’s spectacle.

The thoroughly scripted affair will include, a “prayer” vigil on the House steps (One has to wonder to who or what the party of sexual perversion and abortion might “pray”?), a panel of “historians” to publicly wail an gnash teeth (no doubt in a manner reminiscent of the professional “mourners” of ancient civilizations), member “testimonials” (Think: AOC “fearing for her life,” though it was later revealed that she wasn’t even at the Capitol), and a moment of silence on the House floor (Admittedly the most welcome portion, given the lunacy that ensues whenever they speak). But don’t expect any “moment of silence” for Ashli Babbitt, who was the only real casualty of the event, killed in cold blood by leftist Capitol Policeman Michael Leroy Byrd.

It is crucially important for our side to not only keep this agenda driven theater in perspective as nothing more than the self-serving circus that it is, but also to recognize the real motivation of these leftist Democrat antics. Otherwise, their shamelessness will once again prevail, and put us needlessly on the defensive.

For starters, the brief incursion into the Capitol by outraged Patriots, with or without FBI/Antifa orchestrated dramatization and embellishment, was hardly a defining moment in American history. It certainly was not the “mortal threat” to our Republic that the leftist Democrats attempt to characterize it as being. It was not an unspeakable crime against the people of America.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.