Author Topic: As of This Moment, America Is Still a Beacon of Liberty (Dennis Prager)  (Read 63 times)

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As of This Moment, America Is Still a Beacon of Liberty
By Dennis Prager
January 4, 2022

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Under the pretext of public health, the soul of what is known as the Free West has left most Western countries. Looking at the government overreach and abuses of power in virtually every other Western nation, one can only conclude that America truly is the last free man standing.

Here is a rundown of the suppression of liberty in major Western countries.


Let’s start with our neighbor to the north.

Canada is one of the least free countries in the Western world. In some ways it is the least free. In every area of life, including freedom of speech, Canada severely restricts its citizens’ rights. Canada is one of the only countries in the world that bans the unvaccinated from all public transportation—airplanes, trains, and buses. And no Canadian home can entertain more than three non-household visitors—a ban that prevented families and friends from getting together for Christmas.

Canada is a moral embarrassment. But apparently most Canadians are perfectly content to live in a country moving toward dictatorship.

They should replace the maple leaf on the Canadian flag with a sheep.


Australia placed most of its citizens under house arrest for much of 2021. Sydney, Australia’s most populous city, was locked down for 106 days, ending only on Nov. 15. And Melbourne, the country’s second largest city, described by the Voice of America on Oct. 21 as “officially the world’s most locked down city,” was locked down 260 days. Residents were prohibited from traveling more than five kilometers from their homes, visiting family or friends, entering supermarkets except for pickup, and attending funerals. Schools were, and remain, still closed, and international travel was, and remains, prohibited. Needless to say, all shops, bars, and restaurants were closed. Essentially, people were prohibited from leaving their homes for a third of a year.

New Zealand

The lockdowns in New Zealand rendered that formerly free country essentially a totalitarian state in 2021. Befitting a totalitarian state, New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, actually said at one point regarding COVID-19 information, “Unless you hear it from the government, it is not true.” The woman, a bona fide fanatic, locked down her entire country because one person had the delta variant. Even pro-lockdown CNN seemed to find this a bit over-the-top. It headlined on Aug. 17: “New Zealand announces it’s locking down the entire country … over one Covid case.”

United Kingdom

Scotland has banned spectators, even if vaccinated, from attending sporting events. Masks must be worn indoors at public venues such as nightclubs, and one must show a health pass to enter nightclubs and other venues.

Wales went even further, allowing a maximum of six people to meet in pubs, cinemas, and restaurants. Nightclubs were simply closed as of Dec. 27. Mandatory six-feet social distancing came into effect in offices from the same date. People must work from home unless it is impossible to do so.

While England does not yet have the same lockdown rules as Wales and Scotland, throughout the UK one must show a health pass certifying vaccination—or had a negative COVID-19 test within the past 72 hours or had COVID-19 under six months earlier—in order to enter most public locations.

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