Author Topic: California’s Great Climate Fail That Biden Plans To Replicate Nationwide  (Read 155 times)

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 Written by WSJ Editorial Board on Dec 29, 2021. Posted in Latest news
California’s Great Climate Fail That Biden Plans To Replicate Nationwide

california wildfirePresident Biden has made California his green-energy model, so it’s noteworthy that a new study shows that the Golden State is failing to meet its greenhouse-gas emissions goals in part because of its climate obsession.

State law gives the California Air Resources Board (CARB) sweeping power to reduce statewide emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.

The anti-carbon czars have used this mandate to implement a cap-and-trade program, low-carbon fuel standard, electric-vehicle, and renewable electricity mandates, among other regulations that raise costs for residents and businesses.

Yet the state is still falling far short of its climate goals, according to a report by the left-leaning policy shop Next 10—and that’s with soft grading that ignores the enormous emissions from wildfires and renewable fuels.