Author Topic: Manchin’s Not The Climate Problem  (Read 239 times)

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Manchin’s Not The Climate Problem
« on: January 01, 2022, 05:09:43 pm »
Manchin’s Not The Climate Problem

Patrick J. Michaels, Senior Fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the CO2 Coalition.

Senator Joe Manchin, who killed Biden’s Build Back Better plan live on Fox News, is being vilified throughout the legacy press because BBB’s climate plans are now similarly moribund. Somehow, the story goes, Biden’s plan was going to keep the world from warming up a grand total of 1.5⁰C since 1850.

Ben Adler is the Yahoo News “Senior Climate Editor”, whose bio highlights that he has been a reporter for Politico, The Nation, and Grist. He wrote that “Manchin killing Build Back Better is ‘devastating’ to climate change action.”  What “action” has Manchin stopped?

Similarly, NPR intoned:  “[Manchin’s] final rejection of a stripped down version effectively kills President Biden’s ambitious plans to reduce carbon emissions deeply enough to avoid the worst impacts of global warming.”  That’s a testable hypothesis.