Author Topic: Fake Invisible Catastrophes: Why Global Warming Goons Sell Fake Science  (Read 141 times)

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 Written by Rael Jean Isaac on Dec 30, 2021. Posted in Latest news
Fake Invisible Catastrophes: Why Global Warming Goons Sell Fake Science

If there are intelligent young people in your family who parrot the received wisdom about climate change but whose minds are not yet set in progressive stone, Patrick Moore’s Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom is the book to give them.

To be sure, there are several excellent books debunking the claims of an imminent climate Armageddon: to name just a few, Rupert Darwall’s The Age of Global Warming, Steve Goreham’s The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism, Marc Morano’s The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, and S. Fred Singer’s Hot Talk, Cold Science.

Despite the wealth of resources, there are several reasons why Moore’s book is especially powerful and persuasive. First is the author’s background.

Patrick Moore has impeccable environmental credentials: in 1971, as a Ph.D. student, he embarked on the protest voyage against U.S. underground hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska that inaugurated the environmentalist group Greenpeace, and he devoted the next 15 years of his life to that organization.