Author Topic: Twenty-six UN Climate conferences – Theater of the absurd Part One  (Read 134 times)

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Twenty-six UN Climate conferences – Theater of the absurd Part One
By Dr. Jay Lehr, Robert Lyman |December 28th, 2021|Climate|39 Comments

Over the next three weeks we will convince you of the absurdity of the meetings to discuss destroying the world’s economy to address allegedly human-caused climate change fraud. To begin, it remains important for our readers to understand the reality behind the pronouncements from the media for the months before and after these pompous, self- important congregations of the deluded.

The 26th Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 26) concluded in Glasgow, Scotland on November 12 2021. The conclusion was accompanied by a virtual avalanche of announcements and claims by the United Nations, various other international organizations and environmentalist groups about how much “progress” had been made. It is important to have a more accurate assessment of exactly what was agreed by whom and what was merely part of an extremely elaborate political and bureaucratic dance which is the history of this Theater of The Absurd.

The Theater of the Absurd is a term first coined by critic Martin Esslin in a 1960 essay but drawn from a 1942 essay by the prominent philosopher writer Albert Camus. Camus described the human situation as meaningless and absurd comparing it to the “Myth of Sisyphus” who perpetually rolled a stone up a hill only to have it roll back down again.

The term Theater of The Absurd is commonly now used to describe plays where human existence lacks meaning and purpose and communication breaks down. The structure of these plays is usually repetitive if not redundant, with the final premise being the same as that expressed at the beginning, so nothing is ever accomplished . Sound familiar? It is indeed an accurate description of UN climate meetings held between 1992 and 2021.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2021, 06:39:09 pm by rangerrebew »