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Exclusive — Victor Davis Hanson: Elites Are Destroying America with Globalism, Leftism, and Tribalis


Exclusive — Victor Davis Hanson: Elites Are Destroying America with Globalism, Leftism, and Tribalism

Robert Kraychik 28 Dec 2021

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow sat down with historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson at the latter’s home in Selma, CA, for a wide-ranging interview examining how America is being undermined by a modern globalist aristocracy. Hanson drew from analyses in his latest book, The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America.

Hanson warned of lessening governmental accountability to citizens via the dissolution of American citizenship. The concept of citizenship, he added, is an essential component of Western civilization.

“The citizen is very rare,” he said. “Civilization is very old — seven thousand years old — but for nearly the first 4,500 years, there were no citizens. They were slaves, or subjects, or tribes, or residents.”

He continued, “[Citizenship is] the idea that you would have people who live in a confined space and they would govern themselves. They would elect their officials They would audit them. They would set their budgets, their expenditures. They would decide when to go to war, when to have peace. That was a lot of responsibility.”



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