General Category > January 6th

A Visit to the DC Gulag


 A Visit to the DC Gulag
This is how totalitarianism looks: The plight of America’s January 6 prisoners in pre-trial detention.
by George Parry
December 15, 2021, 10:02 PM

On November 24, 2019, Kathleen Landerkin, Deputy Warden of the District of Columbia Jail, tweeted the following public service announcement: “F–k everyone who supports Trump.”

This was but one of her many informative tweets regarding President Trump, his supporters, and Republicans in general. For example, consider the following representative sampling of Ms. Landerkin’s deep thoughts as culled from her Twitter account.

“Replying to @realDonaldTrump Give it a f–king break. White men are more dangerous than immigrants.”

“Replying to @realDonald Trump How many Americans have been killed by white American men? How about a story on alt-right killers and hate crimes? How did the idiots of this country fall for your bulls–t?”

“Replying to @realDonaldTrump What the f–k is it with you and size. Must be the mushroom dick?”

“To the two old white racists who felt the need to flip me off tonight, right back at you. If you’re more offended by my free expression than u are of Trump today, the problem is you! I can’t wait until you’re all extinct.” (Emphasis added)

“Trump is doing more damage to this country then (sic) foreign terrorists ever have.”

“Replying to @GOP His [Trump’s] corrupt staff and family met with the Russians how many times before the election? How many times did they lie about a meeting with Russians? How many are in prison? Schiff is a hero.”



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