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J6 Committee Fabricates More Evidence, Says Trump Waited 187 Minutes To Call For Peace. It Was Actua

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J6 Committee Fabricates More Evidence, Says Trump Waited 187 Minutes To Call For Peace. It Was Actually 25
The Federalist, Dec 16, 2021

Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney went after former President Donald Trump in her prime-time performance on Monday claiming that private messages of the president’s staff revealed an apathetic leader complicit in the riot at the Capitol as the attack unfolded.

“The violence was evident to all — it was covered in real time by almost every news channel,” said Cheney, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked vice chair of the Select Committee on January 6. “But, for 187 minutes, President Trump refused to act when action by our president was required, indeed essential, and compelled by his oath to our Constitution.”

Trump’s 187-minute delay to action, she added, was a “supreme dereliction of duty.” An actual examination of the day’s events, however, shows no such delay.

According to a detailed timeline of the turmoil by The New York Times, the first building was not breached until about 2:13 p.m. The timeline was corroborated by The Washington Post, which stamped the first break-in at 2:15 p.m. Trump’s first tweet addressing the upheaval shortly followed at 2:38 p.m., when the president made a plea for peace, writing, “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”

About 30 minutes later, Trump addressed the demonstrators again on Twitter.

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence!” the president wrote. “Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order — respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

At 4:17 p.m. Trump posted a video on Twitter urging rioters to go home, a message that was promptly suppressed across the platform.

Exactly where Cheney came up with the 187-minute delay is unclear. If starting the clock from the time Trump finished his speech at the White House at 1:10 p.m., unrest at the Capitol gates had already been ensuing for about 20 minutes. During the address, Trump explicitly called on those gathered to protest “peacefully.”


I hope to God Wyoming is paying attention.


--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on December 16, 2021, 11:56:33 pm ---I hope to God Wyoming is paying attention.

--- End quote ---

What is wrong with all these LIARS?  What kind of demonic spirit is controlling them?   :smokin:

ZERO CONSCIENCE.  That is what is governing us?   ZERO MORALS?  NASTY. 


What is wrong with all these LIARS?  What kind of demonic spirit is controlling them?   :smokin:

ZERO CONSCIENCE.  That is what is governing us?   ZERO MORALS?  NASTY. 
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Same goes for those that elect and support slick willy, Hitlery, Obama, Biden!  They are by no means innocent as they insist!

Killer Clouds:

--- Quote from: LegalAmerican on December 17, 2021, 12:23:03 am ---What is wrong with all these LIARS?  What kind of demonic spirit is controlling them?   :smokin:

ZERO CONSCIENCE.  That is what is governing us?   ZERO MORALS?  NASTY.

--- End quote ---
You understand DCP disciples truly believe every bit of the lies spewing forth from DCP overlords is the gospel truth. The Lame Stream Media backs up everything and every bold face lie the DCP overlords say.


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