feigned heroism because congress was invaded by the unarmed serfs and the cowards ran and hid in their tunnels and under their desks..
Actually...FBI told all congress to leave and provided them with masks as FBI...set off smoke bombs, to make more confusion and chaos, to make this peaceful gathering, a 'riot'. ANTIFA/BLM...were also bussed in by FBI. POTTUS TRUMP said. 'Go home. GO in peace. These are not patriots'. ANTIFA/BLM. were paid $35.00 an hour to cause chaos. They were told to wear TRUMP gear. Same as EVIL has always down to good people. Tea party? EVIL DRESSED UP as Tea members, posted racist signs, to discredit TEA PARTY. There was NO INSURRECTION......another BIG LIE by Pelosi and the rest. THEY are the guilty one's, Pelosi, demon-rats, RINOS.