Author Topic: WaPo’s Mountain West Snowpack Alarm Buried by an Avalanche of Truth  (Read 110 times)

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WaPo’s Mountain West Snowpack Alarm Buried by an Avalanche of Truth
James Taylor -
December 7, 2021 0

The Washington Post is hoping to stoke climate alarm in MAGA country, publishing an article titled “Snow may vanish for years at a time in Mountain West with climate warming.” The subtitle reads “Study warns of impending water supply problems due to nearly snowless mountains in about 35 to 60 years.” Don’t worry, there will still be plenty of snow in the Mountain West 35 years, 60 years, and even 100 years from now. Some areas in the Mountain West receive an average of between 200 and 400 inches of snow each year and remain far below freezing for much of the year. Also, there has been no decline in global snow cover during the past 30 years.

The lead author of the study referenced in the Washington Post article is a bureaucrat at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which is a laboratory whose funding is heavily dependent on the perpetuation of an asserted climate crisis. The other authors are California university employees – a group well known for political activism. This doesn’t mean the paper has no chance of being accurate, but it does mean we should look under the hood of the claims and not simply accept the claims at face value. As it turns out, the paper clearly is overly alarmist and there is virtually no chance that its doomsaying predictions will come true.

According to the Post, the study claims, “In about 35 to 60 years, mountainous states are projected to be nearly snowless for years at a time.”