Author Topic: IG Michael Horowitz Drops the Hammer on Garland’s DOJ  (Read 103 times)

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IG Michael Horowitz Drops the Hammer on Garland’s DOJ
« on: November 30, 2021, 06:50:33 pm »

IG Michael Horowitz Drops the Hammer on Garland’s DOJ
Mark Megahan -
November 29, 2021

A new report makes it look like IG Michael Horowitz dropped his hammer like Thor, when all he really did was make more improvement recommendations. As usual, his suggestions will be totally ignored by the rats who are supposed to be guarding the government cheese.

Horowitz hounds Attorney General

Inspector General Michael Horowitz declared that the Federal Bureau of Instigation has to break up it’s Hillary Clinton Fan Club chapter once and for all. If they don’t, the DOJ can never expect to regain a single shred of respect from a disappointed public.

He’s not recommending any charges or discipline, only a warning that America isn’t pleased with their behavior.

Our toothless watchdog Inspector General, allegedly responsible for punishing shady shenanigans of errant Justice Department bureaucrats, issued another weak evaluation report which excoriates both DOJ and FBI for acting a lot like the criminals they’re supposed to catch. Once again, he’s doing nothing about it.