Author Topic: New study from Germany confirms higher vax coverage --> higher excess mortality  (Read 156 times)

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New study from Germany confirms higher vax coverage --> higher excess mortality

The Harvard study showed vaccination makes things worse as far as cases goes. This new study from German shows that the more you vaccinate the more people get killed. Not a surprise to me.
Steve Kirsch
Nov 20   

I just got a new study from a friend in Germany (Max Langen).

What this new German study shows is:  The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality.

I can’t say I’m surprised. These are the deadliest vaccine in human history by a factor of over 800. But it is always nice to get confirmation from multiple sources who have no conflicts.

The authors write (translated into English): “The correlation is + .31, is amazingly high and especially in an unexpected direction. Actually, it should be negative, so that one could say: The higher the vaccination rate, the lower the excess mortality. However, the opposite is the case and this urgently needs to be clarified. Excess mortality can be observed in all 16 countries…”