Author Topic: Everything You Think You Know About Watergate May Be Wrong  (Read 1317 times)

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Everything You Think You Know About Watergate May Be Wrong
« on: November 27, 2021, 02:36:34 pm »
 Everything You Think You Know About Watergate May Be Wrong

Geoff Shepard does heroic work in his new book, “The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President.”

by Francis P. Sempa
November 26, 2021, 11:09 PM

During the past five years, we witnessed high-level FBI targeting of candidate Donald Trump based on an unreliable dossier produced by Trump’s political enemies that resulted in FISA warrants being issued by federal judges to allow surveillance of Trump allies during and after the 2016 presidential campaign and election, a special prosecutor’s office staffed largely with President Trump’s political opponents pursuing those same unreliable accusations of Trump-Russia collusion, Democratic-controlled congressional investigations of President Trump that resulted in two partisan impeachments of the president, and national media outlets — that proudly wear their hatred of Trump on their sleeves — promoting efforts to remove Trump from office. According to author and former Nixon Deputy White House Counsel Geoff Shepard, we have been here before. It all happened during Watergate.

The long accepted conventional truths about Watergate are as follows: Richard Nixon was the chief villain, having authorized a cover-up of the break-in at the office of the Democratic National Committee; John Dean of the White House Counsel’s Office was one of the heroes, who courageously worked with government prosecutors and agents to produce evidence of White House criminality; the Special Prosecutor’s Office and staff followed the evidence and the law to seek justice; Chief Judge John Sirica presided fairly and impartially over the criminal cases; and the nation’s press — especially Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and the Washington Post — spoke the truth to power to help uncover a scandal that reached into the Oval Office and thereby saved our constitutional republic.

Geoff Shepard, who worked as a young lawyer in the Nixon White House, has devoted more than a decade of research into the details of Watergate. In 2015, Shepard’s book The Real Watergate Scandal revealed what he called evidence of collusion between the Special Prosecutor’s Office — staffed primarily with longtime Nixon political enemies (many from the John F. Kennedy Justice Department) — and Judge Sirica, including a number of ethically-questionable ex parte meetings about the criminal cases and the congressional investigations of the White House.

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Re: Everything You Think You Know About Watergate May Be Wrong
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2021, 02:47:22 pm »
The permanent damage done to the republic by the "reforms" which resulted from the "media Putsch" in 74 are incalculable.