Author Topic: Dolphin Tale star Winter dies at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium following days of sickness  (Read 342 times)

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We have visited this aquarium a couple of times and I am saddened by this news.

Dolphin Tale star Winter dies at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium following days of sickness

Winter the Dolphin died on Thursday night at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium after battling what experts say was a gastrointestinal abnormality.

The aquarium said Winter died while being held by her caregivers after they made several attempts to save her life. She was 16-years-old.

Winter was the star of the 2011 movie Dolphin Tale and has spent her retirement at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater.

The aquarium said in a statement on their website Thursday:

While we are heartbroken by Winter’s death, we are comforted knowing that our team did everything possible to give her the best chance at survival. We worked with specialists and marine mammal experts from around the country to provide her with the best care available. Our staff worked around the clock during this challenging time,” said Veterinarian Dr. Shelly Marquardt, DVM, CVA. “I’m honored to work alongside such dedicated and talented professionals who gave their all for Winter.........
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