Author Topic: The 2021 Elections Show that Voters Reject Lawlessness, While Biden Promotes More Immigration Lawle  (Read 119 times)

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The 2021 Elections Show that Voters Reject Lawlessness, While Biden Promotes More Immigration Lawlessness
Preston Huennekens
Posted: Nov 09, 2021 12:00 AM
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The 2021 Elections Show that Voters Reject Lawlessness, While Biden Promotes More Immigration Lawlessness

Source: Jeff J. Mitchell/Pool Photo via AP

The November 2 elections sent political shockwaves across the country. In statewide and local elections, voters rejected Democratic candidates and their policies. This happened for a variety of reasons, including the Democrats running bad candidates and taking some elections for granted. But one thing is clear: voters across the country rejected lawlessness and defeated candidates that opposed law and order.

Take the city of Seattle, for instance. On Tuesday, Seattle voters elected their new city attorney. This particular race featured Democratic candidate and police abolitionist Nicole Thomas-Kennedy and law-and-order Republican Ann Davison. Davison walloped Thomas-Kennedy, defeating the far-left activist by almost 17 points. Seattle is hardly a Republican stronghold. It is quite the opposite. Seattleā€™s U.S. representative is Pramila Jayapal, who chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus. In the 2020 presidential election, over 88 percent of Seattle voters opted for Democratic candidate Joe Biden.