Author Topic: How America Failed Our Soldiers  (Read 81 times)

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How America Failed Our Soldiers
« on: November 12, 2021, 11:24:50 am »
How America Failed Our Soldiers

By Peter Wolfgang Published on November 11, 2021

Former national security advisor Gen. H.R. McMaster and just retired World magazine editor Mindy Belz seem to be saying the same thing. McMaster says it in his Wall Street Journal article and Belz in an interview. That is, George W. Bush is the only good President of the 21st century in the matter of Afghanistan. Obama, Trump and Biden all broke faith by wanting to exit prematurely.

I disagree.
What Specialists Know

I come at my disagreement with this by way of analogy. Remember the nice way Tucker Carlson disagreed with Dr. Fauci’s recommendations in the early days of the pandemic? There’s nothing wrong with Fauci’s recommendations per se, Tucker argued. The problem is that Fauci is a specialist. He only knows his field. It’s not his job to see the big picture, to see the ill effects that governmental overreaction might have on society as a whole. That is the president’s job.

Likewise, McMaster is a specialist. Belz is a specialist. He knows the military. She knows the Middle East, on which she reported well for many years. World was often the only place that presented the facts on our persecuted brethren, and Uncle Sam’s failure to do more.