One thing about weddings is that they take LOTS of photos. As a VIP guest, we should definitely have a photo of Newsome and the bride and/or groom.
My daughter told me the latest rumor making the circles is that he contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome from his booster shot and that was after a report that
HE said he cancelled the globull warming conference to go Trick or Treating, that he had no choice but to go. So if it was true he took his kids Trick or Treating why didn't his wife just say that outright........
unless it was his kids with someone else he was spending the time with.
All of this is utter bullshit, the people of California have the absolute right to know where their goobernor is and if he is suffering a illness. But Noisome is a democrat and it is not for us little people, the serfs to question Herr Goobernor.