Author Topic: Life Without the Vaccine  (Read 85 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Life Without the Vaccine
« on: November 10, 2021, 07:30:20 pm »
It’s lucky they made me watch all those films about peer pressure in high school. Because I have never in my adult life—or even in high school—experienced peer pressure like this.

By Dan Gelernter
November 9, 2021

When the vaccine first came out, I wasn’t too eager to get it. I’m young and healthy. Statistics indicated that I was unlikely to get COVID and extremely unlikely to get a serious case of it. I wasn’t “opposed” to the vaccine—as though it were some political candidate with ideas I disliked—I just didn’t see a personal need for it. But I was willing to be convinced. And what happened next surprised me.

I’d expected the “pro-vaxxers” would try to show me that getting the vaccine was the best thing for my health. Instead, what I heard was: “It’s probably safe, but get it anyway! Society’s health is more important than your health! If you don’t get this shot, you want everyone to die!”

I’ve heard logical arguments before, and this isn’t one. I’ve also heard Marxist arguments before: Subordinate your will to the good of society, as directed by “the experts.”

*  *  *

The vaccine does not make COVID less transmissible. It simply makes you feel less bad when you’ve caught it. The only benefit this brings to society is making it less likely that our hospitals will be overwhelmed by COVID patients. And that hasn’t been a serious possibility for a year and a half.

As long as we don’t have to worry about maxing out our hospitals, getting the vaccine when you’re in a low-risk group is actually bad for society. You may still catch COVID, and you’ll be just as contagious as the unvaccinated. But because you don’t have symptoms, instead of staying at home and resting, you’ll go to work, you’ll hang out with friends, and you’ll spread the disease.


Offline Kamaji

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Re: Life Without the Vaccine
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2021, 07:30:59 pm »
The last paragraph actually illustrates the so-called "moral hazard" of the COVID-19 vaxx and the way that it's been peddled as a 100% fix for the imaginary pandemic.