Author Topic: The Unmasking of Dr. Mengele S. Fauci  (Read 72 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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The Unmasking of Dr. Mengele S. Fauci
« on: November 09, 2021, 12:36:18 pm »
The Post & Email by  Cherie Zaslawsky 11/8/2021


Irony of ironies: members of the feckless GOP that not only stood by while Dr. Snake Eyes brought America to her knees through bizarre, uncalled for “lockdowns” and “mask-ups,” but also did nothing as he pushed a dangerous experimental gene-disrupting shot on our public while virtually banning therapeutics that work against Covid, are now suddenly outraged and calling for his resignation—not because he’s responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans, which he is, but because he tortured puppies.



Many of us have been watching Tony “the weasel” Fauci prevaricate time and again, while maintaining his duper’s delight sly half-smile, so the recent exposure of a new Faucian atrocity came as no surprise. Indeed, those who’ve watched Dr. Judy Mikovits tell her riveting story, and/or have read her excellent book Plague of Corruption, are already well versed in Tricky Tony’s sneaky ways and diabolical character. Unlike Dr. FauxChi, Mikovits is a real scientist as well as a brave whistleblower and truth teller. Fauci destroyed her career when she exposed the harm coming from certain vaccines back in the day. You’ve got to admit he’s good at protecting his own bottom line, as well as that of his Big Pharma masters.

Did you know that Dr. Kary Mullis hated Fauci? Mullis and Mikovits are actual scientists; they seek the truth. Dr. FauxPas, on the other hand, is two-thirds crooked Mafia don, and one-third mediocre scientist, if that. Did you know 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors have filed a lawsuit against the CDC, the WHO and others who are responsible for foisting the experimental gene “therapy” inoculations on an unsuspecting public, charging them with violation the Nuremberg Code? And who has been the kingpin all along, holding the American people hostage—first, to a virus, then to a “vaccine”? Who indeed!


No doubt that in his new book, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will unearth many more crimes perpetrated by the good doctor, but just a cursory glance at Fauci’s relatively recent doings yields the following list:

•   AIDS scandal:----

•   Gain of Function: ----

•   Discrediting/banning HCQ and Ivermectin:----

•   Shutting down America: ----

•   Remdesivir: ----

•   The Experimental mRNA vaccines: ----

•   PuppyGate:----

In sum: If we were to add up all the deaths that can be laid at Fauci’s door, the number is at least in the hundreds of thousands, and could well be in the millions—and how many more are yet to come in the aftermath of the nationwide vaccine program?


Let’s face an uncomfortable fact: the estimable Dr. Fauci, revered by so many trusting Americans, appears to be a bona fide psychopath. Who but a psychopath would sneakily fund “gain-of–function” research courtesy of a bioweapons lab in Communist China,  and then knowingly promote untested, experimental vaccines that cause people’s bodies to manufacture that very same dangerous “gain-of-function” spike protein, while dissuading people who were sick and likely to die if left untreated, from using truly safe and effective, inexpensive therapeutics such as HCQ and zinc, or Ivermectin? What is this if not a genocidal agenda, unleashed at least in part by a snake wearing a suit?



I’ll let Fauci have the last word—well, the penultimate word at least.

Here’s what Fauci told Canadian Broadcasting host Nahlah Ayed, as subsequently quoted in Newsweek: “It is just mind-boggling. I mean, if I were some diabolical, evil spirit and I wanted to cast upon the world the worst time to get an outbreak, it’s when you have this kind of combination of divisiveness with the complete accessibility and spread of complete falsehood. There is nothing worse than that in the middle of a pandemic.”

I don’t know about you, but I find it revealing that the inimitable Dr. Fauci actually fantasized on the air about being a demon inflicting a pandemic upon the world, and doing so at the worst possible time. Was this a public confession masquerading as an attack on the “vaccine hesitant”?

You be the judge.
