Author Topic: The Supreme Court review that could change the EPA  (Read 109 times)

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The Supreme Court review that could change the EPA
« on: November 07, 2021, 05:03:45 pm »

The Supreme Court review that could change the EPA

What the Supreme Court’s review of the EPA’s authority over emissions from power plants really means.
The lit-up front of the US Supreme Court beneath a cloudy, overcast sky
Getty Images
Zoya Teirstein Staff Writer

    Nov 05, 2021

Soon after taking office, President Joe Biden announced a plan to cut emissions in half by the end of this decade. So far, conservative members of his own party have been the biggest obstacle to achieving progress on climate change. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of two crucial Democratic swing votes in the Senate, succeeded in removing the most aggressive climate policy from Biden’s Build Back Better Act, which is still being negotiated.

But a greater obstacle looms on the treacherous path to reining in greenhouse gas emissions, one that the White House won’t be able to negotiate with: the Supreme Court.

Under former president Donald Trump, the Republican-controlled Senate confirmed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court, ensuring a conservative supermajority for decades to come (unless Democrats pass a law to expand the number of seats on the bench). The effect of the court’s new ideological makeup on climate policy will be put to the test next year.