Author Topic: Biden: Americans Have ‘Seen the Lord’ and Now Believe in 'Climate Change'  (Read 460 times)

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Offline GtHawk

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I think Biden seeing the Lord isn't ever going to happen, but on the off chance he ever did he better be wearing super industrial strength depends because it aint gonna end well.

I have always believed in climate change, even here in SoCal we have seasons....sort of, but this manned made globull warming farce? No and I never will. We had one of the coolest summers I can recall and I anticipate a cold winter, even here in SoCAl.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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I believe in Climate Change.  The Earth's climate never stops changing.  Cold and warm cycles wax and wane.  Other natural and celestial cycles we do not undertsand are also at work.

I don't have enough hubris to believe that man alone can regulate the Earth's temperature like it was controlled by a thermostat.  There are many greater forces at work - volcanism, solar cycles, impact events, variations in Earth's tilt and orbit around the Sun, etc.

What can be done?  People and governments can adapt and plan accordingly.  Technology advances - carbon capture, desalinization, etc. - can help us make the necessary adjustments.

The War Against Carbon will not have the desired effect upon climate.  Plus, it will create social, economic, and political displacement that governments and societies aren't prepared to handle.

First there was the hole in the Antartic Ozone Layer.  Thus, the War Against Hairspray.

There was Global Warming that instigated the War Against carbon-dioxide.

Global Climate Change is the justification for the Wars Against Internal Combustion, Fossil Fuels, Bovine Flatulence, "greenhouse" gases, and other modern advances.

To the moonbats, the Periodic Table of Elements is an enemies list.

"It doesn't matter what temperature the room is, it's always room temperature." - Steven Wright