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VIDEO: Larry Sabato Goes Schizo



--- Quote ---During the afternoon of Monday, November 1 on MSNBC the normally calm political analyst Larry Sabato went full mental jacket and blamed the apparent slippage of Terry McAuliffe in the gubernatorial race polls on white raaaaaaaacism. As you can see he came off as a real leftist mental case. Perhaps later that day he realized he let down his guard and exposed his leftist derangement because that evening on Brian Williams' show he reverted to the mostly sane character that he usually presents to the public.
--- End quote ---

Governor Blackface (D-VA) was unavailable for comment.

50 STATES   PUBLISHED: 1:00 PM 2 NOV 2021  UPDATED: 2:58 PM 2 NOV 2021

VA GOP Needs Poll Watchers Now, After Judge Allows Illegal Ballot Rig
The election is Virginia is being rigged.
by April Matthews
The Fairfax County GOP is asking for poll watchers today as Virginia communists prepare to steal the election.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Some things never change.  Judges that won’t do what’s just and Democrats who steal elections. 

We reported previously that Virginia was not requiring the last 4 digits of social security numbers on absentee ballots.  This is in direct violation of the law.

This comes from the same county that had over 300,000 ballots dropped for Joe Biden on election night while only 30,000 dropped for Trump – Three times!

So a voter group, not the Republican Party, sued to prevent these ballots from being used in the election – they are not legal.  And the judge dismisses the case.


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