State Chapters > Illinois

Illinois Democrats Vote to Repeal State’s Last Anti-Abortion Law – Parental Notification for Minors


Illinois Democrats Vote to Repeal State’s Last Anti-Abortion Law – Parental Notification for Minors

Dr. Susan Berry 1 Nov 2021

Democrats in the Illinois legislature voted late last week to repeal the state’s final restriction on abortion, which required parental notification for minors seeking to end the life of their fetus.

State Rep. Ann Williams (D-Chicago) celebrated the vote on Twitter, announcing the bill, titled the Youth Health and Safety Act, now heads to Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) for signature.

“Illinois will now become a 100% pro-choice state,” Williams touted:

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In June 2019, Pritzker signed an expansive bill that repealed Illinois’ ban on partial-birth abortion and made abortion at any time during pregnancy a “fundamental right.”

Pritzker’s office said at the time the governor was “making good on his promise to make Illinois the most progressive state in the nation for women’s reproductive rights.”

In a statement Thursday, however, the Catholic Conference of Illinois condemned the vote:

On behalf of the Illinois’ bishops and our entire Catholic community, the Catholic Conference of Illinois denounces the Illinois General Assembly’s vote to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Since 2013, this law has served to keep distressed young girls connected to those who love them the most. The law has also helped to ensure that those who would abuse minor girls cannot then erase the evidence of their crimes in the nearest abortion clinic.


If parents aren't choosing for their minor daughters, then someone else is, and that someone else is very unlikely to have the daughter's best interests at heart.

The one thing that's for certain is that the minor daughter herself is not choosing.

But hey, it'll make it that much easier for pedophiles to get rid of the "evidence" of their depredations.


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