Author Topic: Mainstream media repeats debunked climate change claims pushed by The Lancet  (Read 119 times)

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Mainstream media repeats debunked climate change claims pushed by The Lancet

10/29/2021 / By Cassie B.

Several mainstream media outlets recently covered a report published by The Lancet claiming that climate change is causing premature death, illness and hunger around the world. According to the report, the situation will only get worse unless governments take action to put an end to climate change.

The Washington Post was one of the many news outlets to cover the report, which is full of claims that Environment & Climate News Managing Editor H. Sterling Burnett says are “directly refuted by hard data.”

Among the claims listed are that the disease outbreaks, food shortages and deadly disasters that were somehow put in motion by climate change would “dwarf the toll of the coronavirus.”

The Washington Post reported: “Rising temperatures have led to higher rates of heat illness, causing farmworkers to collapse in fields and elderly people to die in their apartments. Insects carrying tropical diseases have multiplied and spread toward the poles. … Droughts intensify, crops fail, hunger stalks millions of the world’s most vulnerable people.”