Author Topic: Report: Plastic is on track to become a bigger climate problem than coal  (Read 153 times)

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Report: Plastic is on track to become a bigger climate problem than coal

A new report details 10 ways, from fracking to incineration, that plastic contributes to global warming.
Plastic littering a creek.
Joseph Winters News & Politics Fellow

    Oct 22, 2021
Plastic permeates the oceans, clutters landfills, and threatens to create a “near-permanent contamination of the natural environment,” according to researchers. As if that weren’t bad enough, it is also a major contributor to climate change.

A new report from the advocacy group Beyond Plastics says that emissions from the plastic industry could overtake those from coal-fired power plants by the end of this decade. At every step of its life cycle, the report said, plastic causes greenhouse gas emissions that are jeopardizing urgent climate goals and harming marginalized communities.

“Plastic is intimately connected to the climate crisis,” said Judith Enck, a former Environmental Protection Agency regional administrator and the founder of Beyond Plastics, at a press conference unveiling the report. Most people understand how plastic strangles the ocean and can cause health problems, she added, but far fewer have grasped its concerning climate footprint. “Plastic is the new coal,” Enck said.