Author Topic: In Historic United States First, National Guard Soldiers Start Arresting Illegal Migrants on the U.S  (Read 120 times)

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In Historic United States First, National Guard Soldiers Start Arresting Illegal Migrants on the U.S.-Mexico Border
By Todd Bensman on October 20, 2021

AUSTIN, Texas — In a dive into new political and legal water, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has initiated the first-ever border security operations in which thousands of National Guard troops — newly imbued with civilian arrest authority and given 40 hours of traditional police training in the use of deadly force — have started handcuffing illegally entering migrants on state trespassing charges.

Small-scale soldier arrest operations began quietly this week as an unprecedented addition to the state’s ongoing “Operation Lone Star” in close physical coordination with a pre-existing border surge of some 1,000 Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers concentrated in Val Verde and Starr counties, but also expected to happen elsewhere. Abbott has been signaling for weeks that he was preparing a more aggressive use of the National Guard.

Texas DPS Director Steven McCraw confirmed to the Center for Immigration Studies that the first of some 3,000 policing-trained National Guard soldiers to be deployed over the next six weeks have begun filling gaps in the line, making arrests and turning their detainees over to DPS officers who will do the investigation and charging.