Author Topic: Democrats’ “Clean Electricity Performance Program” Is a Fiscal Disaster  (Read 107 times)

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 Posted on October 13, 2021 by John Hinderaker in Energy Policy

Democrats’ “Clean Electricity Performance Program” Is a Fiscal Disaster

The Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending spree is, in large part, about transforming America into a “green” nation. The centerpiece is the Clean Electricity Performance Program, which would require electricity providers to increase the amount of carbon-dioxide-free electricity sold on their systems by 4 percent every year, or pay penalties. The Democrats’ bill includes $150 billion that is earmarked to cover the cost of CEPP through 2031. (As part of the reconciliation package, CEPP’s funding is limited to a 10-year span, while the costs it imposes will live on.)

In fact, CEPP would be ruinously expensive, and would add trillions of dollars to the cost of the Democrats’ package. The $150 billion is barely a drop in the bucket.

Center of the American Experiment has developed a mathematical model that accurately calculates the cost of “green” energy measures. Unlike numbers thrown out by liberal advocates, this model includes all the costs of wind and solar energy, including transmission lines, reliable backup facilities, utility profits and property taxes, all large items that “green” advocates conveniently forget to mention. The American Experiment model is the only one that has this capability.