Author Topic: ‘The Grunt Padre’ was a chaplain who gave his life for his Marines’ souls  (Read 1603 times)

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‘The Grunt Padre’ was a chaplain who gave his life for his Marines’ souls

Team Mighty
Posted On October 03, 2021 20:12:51

USS Capodanno (FF-1093).

Father Vincent Capodanno earned his nickname “The Grunt Padre” because he would never seek comfort while his Marines were out in the bush putting their lives on the line. The Navy chaplain shared their work and their burdens, living as a grunt Marine.

It earned him the respect of his flock, the love of Marines in Vietnam, and eventually the Medal of Honor.
‘The Grunt Padre’ was a chaplain who gave his life for his Marines’ soulsPhotograph of Medal of Honor recipient Lieutenant Vincent R. Capodanno, USNR. (U.S. Navy photo)

In 1967, Capodanno was deployed to Vietnam during Operation Swift in September 1967. The objective was to rescue two companies of United States Marines who had been ambushed by North Vietnamese regulars in the Que Son Valley of Vietnam’s Quang Nam Province. Both sides recognized the strategic importance of the region and fought bitterly over it.