Author Topic: Biden Collapses…Multiple Times [LIST]  (Read 177 times)

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Biden Collapses…Multiple Times [LIST]
« on: October 06, 2021, 10:12:27 am »
Biden Collapses…Multiple Times
    byMatthew Holloway
    October 5, 2021

    Joe Biden is unfit to serve in any office of Government, let alone the highest office in the land. His recent extremely public mental collapses are endangering the American people both abroad in places like Afghanistan and here at home. Our global opponents laugh and rejoice as they watch a feckless dotard man the helm of what was once the mightiest nation in the history of humanity, our standing as a world leader is in rapid and precipitous decline as the futures of China and Russia look brighter by the day. The situation is grim. The American people are in danger of falling to oppression and authoritarianism at the hands of a nightmarish socialist regime with an incompetent figurehead, and our hour of weakness is the world’s hour of peril.
    People Are Waking Up As The Biden White House’s Collapses

    But there is hope: the American people seem to be catching on. Biden’s job approval numbers following the Afghanistan debacle are in free-fall with even USAToday and Suffolk Political Research Center reporting his sub-50% plunge to an abysmal 41% approval with 55% disapproving of his leadership across party lines. Biden’s once universal approval from Democrats has fallen to 87% and his support among crucial independents has catastrophically plunged to an anemic 32%. Republicans almost universally disapprove of Biden at 95% with a mere 4% approving of him.

    Just in case you aren’t sure. Let’s layout the case for all to see, the footage is irrefutable. After reviewing this man’s performance, an objective person can ONLY come to the conclusion that he is completely unfit to for ANY position of responsibility, let alone responsibility for the most powerful nation in the world.[/list]