Author Topic: Confirmed – all 5 global temperature anomaly measurement systems reject NOAA’s July 2021 “hottest m  (Read 136 times)

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Confirmed – all 5 global temperature anomaly measurement systems reject NOAA’s July 2021 “hottest month ever” hype

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin

In a prior article I had already concluded that none of the 5 major global temperature anomaly measurement systems (UAH, RSS, GISS, HadCRUT5 and NOAA) agreed that July 2021 was the “hottest month ever” as falsely hyped by AP climate alarmist writer Seth Borenstein and as erroneously promoted by climate alarmist “scientists” at NOAA.

This result was particularly significant and embarrassing for NOAA since its global temperature anomaly for July 2021 was reduced in value as a part of its August temperature update posting from their prior “hottest month ever” claim which meant that the July 2021 anomaly was tied with the year 2019 anomaly and clearly not the “hottest month ever” that was so overhyped and scientifically misrepresented by NOAA and the climate alarmist media. 

Some comments on the WUWT article noted that the HadCRUT5 measurement system had not yet updated its official data record for July 2021. At the time of prior article HadCRUT5 was two months behind the other 4 global monthly temperature anomaly systems which had already reported monthly anomaly data updates for both July and August 2021.