Author Topic: Traitor Milley’s Excuse For His Secret China Talk Is Absolutely Sickening!  (Read 116 times)

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Traitor Milley’s Excuse For His Secret China Talk Is Absolutely Sickening!
September 30, 2021

Well, one thing is consistent and common about this administration – LYING –

Previously, Top US General Mark Milley offered a full-throated defense of his behavior during the last days of the Trump administration, including a phone conversation with his Chinese counterpart, as he and other senior military officials appeared before lawmakers for a hearing about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. What a very pretentious move from a very pretentious man.

General Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee, “It is clear and obvious that the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted with the Taliban now in power in Kabul and my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal, without meeting specific and necessary conditions, risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility and could precipitate a general collapse of the NSF and the Afghan government, resulting in a complete Taliban takeover, or general civil war.”

Milley called it a “strategic failure”.

Now these things happen with a boat sinks, everybody is pulling one another.. here goes Milley, pulling Biden down.


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Pearl Harbor was a "strategic failure", too. :im waiting: