Author Topic: The Air &amp Space Brief: New B-21 public debut details, Taiwan ADIZ incursions by China, Why the Spa  (Read 77 times)

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 The Air & Space Brief: New B-21 public debut details, Taiwan ADIZ incursions by China, Why the Space Force uniform opens diagonally
Tara Copp
By Tara Copp
Senior Pentagon Reporter, Defense One
September 29, 2021 12:00 PM ET
Welcome to the Defense One Air and Space newsletter. Both Chief of Staff of the Air Force C.Q. Brown and Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond sat down with Defense One this week for State of Defense. The full sessions are here, viewable anytime.

B-21 Rollout: The Air Force has five B-21 Raider stealth bombers in development, but they won’t all roll out at once, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. C.Q. Brown said. “As you might imagine, they’re big airplanes,” Brown said. “It’ll be sequenced as the five come out.” As to how those bombers will be introduced to the public, ”There will be a ceremony at some point—whether it’s for the very first one for the first flight, or a little later …. I’m sure we’ll do something special as we bring out the B-21.”

China ADIZ Incursions: Brown said as he’s watched China’s air force develop, he’s noticed they are flying more frequently, and more often over water. In the past, a flight of a H-6K bomber over the water “was a reportable incident,” said Brown, who was previously commander of Pacific Air Forces. “What we see now is it happens every day, multiple aircraft per day,” with China now testing sensitive boundaries, including the Taiwan ADIZ, or Air Defense Identification Zone. “It’s a bit more provocative,” Brown said.