Author Topic: How U.S. Failure in Afghanistan Validates the Koran’s Jihadist Teachings  (Read 63 times)

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How U.S. Failure in Afghanistan Validates the Koran’s Jihadist Teachings

09/23/2021 by Raymond Ibrahim 4 Comments
Taliban celebrates with U.S. weapons; (R) Wagdi Ghoneim


While it should be a no-brainer that the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan has emboldened like-minded (read: “radical”) Muslims to no end, few in the West appreciate how this episode—especially America’s disastrous retreat under Biden—is being used to validate the Koran itself, and thus reignite Muslim zeal and faith in Islam.

Since August 15, 2021, when the Taliban reconquered Afghanistan, anytime I watched an Arabic language program or sheikh speak, they cited several Koran verses as “proof” that it was only inevitable—only a matter of time—that the U.S. would be humiliated and the Taliban exalted.

Consider, as one example, the words of popular sheikh, Wagdi Ghoneim.  An Egyptian scholar of Islam and member of the Muslim Brotherhood, he is notorious for issuing violent fatwas against Israel and inciting hatred against other “infidels” (including by threatening Egypt’s indigenous Christian minority, the Copts with genocide). With such “credentials,” it should come as no surprise that he once served as the imam of the Islamic Institute of Orange County, California, and was a fundraiser for the Toledo, Ohio charity, KindHearts (a Hamas front).