Author Topic: Biden Border CrisisGeneral Milley ‘Coup’COVID-1984Afghanistan DisasterMasters of the Universe  (Read 301 times)

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    Biden Border CrisisGeneral Milley ‘Coup’COVID-1984Afghanistan DisasterMasters of the Universe

White House Blames Donald Trump for Joe Biden’s Haitian Migrant Border Crisis
Charlie Spiering23 Sep 20211,088

The White House argued Thursday that former President Donald Trump was to blame for the Haitian migrant crisis taking place on the Southern border.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki bristled after reporters questioned why Biden’s efforts to secure the border were being compared by members of his own party to those used by former President Trump.

“We could not see it as any more different from the policy of the prior administration, which the president feels, we all feel was inhuman, immoral, ineffective, wasn’t operationally working,” she replied. “And because of the dysfunction of it, we are dealing with the very broken system that we’re dealing with today.”


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No, it was actually Woodrow Wilson who caused the problem. :whistle: