Author Topic: Anti-America globalist, George Soros and friends, are behind the flooding of America with as many Af  (Read 115 times)

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Anti-America globalist, George Soros and friends, are behind the flooding of America with as many Afghan Muslim freeloader-wannabes and potential terrorists as possible

September 23, 2021 by BareNakedIslam Leave a Comment
Far-left billionaire George Soros has been funding a group called Welcome.US that is also co-chaired by Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, and George W. Bush, among others. The group has been capitalizing on the fall of Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban following Democrat Joe Biden’s botched U.S. withdrawal.

Neonnettle (h/t Nita) For many years now, George Soros has been  determined to flood the United States of America with illegal aliens and ensure that they can afford to stay in the country to spark radical demographic change, according to a report from the National File.

Welcome.Us is heavily funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the group’s “National Welcome Council” includes representatives from the New York Times and the Soros-funded Atlantic Council, establishment pundit David French, Obama’s former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Maria Shriver, and Jeb Bush.
According to Welcome.Us, Soros leads a “group of funders (that) chose to also enable the launch of Welcome.Us so that, together, we can amplify those efforts and mobilize the American people to support them.”