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Woodward: The One ‘Courageous Person’ in Trump’s Circle Was Gen. Milley

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I guess in this dipshit's eyes, Benedict Arnold was a US Revolutionary patriot also.

That colluding with the enemy thingy.....


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on September 22, 2021, 03:14:47 pm ---I guess in this dipshit's eyes, Benedict Arnold was a US Revolutionary patriot also.

That colluding with the enemy thingy.....

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Imagine the scoops this phony could report if he decided to turn his journalistic instincts on a democrat administration, say, Biden.


--- Quote from: skeeter on September 22, 2021, 03:20:35 pm ---Imagine the scoops this phony could report if he decided to turn his journalistic instincts on a democrat administration, say, Biden.

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That would infer nuetral ideological honesty.  There is not one honest bone in that mofo.


--- Quote from: txradioguy on September 22, 2021, 03:05:31 pm ---What Milley and now it turns out his Deputy and now Army Chief of Staff GEN McConville did should worry EVERY American regardless of their political leanings.  There is a very good reason we have civilian control over the military. And What Milley and Co. did behind the scenes is that reason.


You have a typo that caused you to misspell "treason".

Milley and any Go or Senior officer that knew about this and didn't report it or hand a hand in making those orders happen need to be Courts Martialed and if convicted spend some time at Leavenworth.

Any GS or SES civilian that was a party to this and didn't report it or enforced the orders needs to be arrested and tried for subversion and treason.

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And we have no reason to believe that was the ONLY thing he said to the chinese.... wonder what else was discussed???


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