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Weekly Climate And Energy News Roundup #471
« on: September 20, 2021, 03:59:35 pm »

Climate News Roundup
Weekly Climate And Energy News Roundup #471
7 hours ago
The Week That Was: 2021-09-18 (September 18, 2021)

Quote of the Week: “skepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin” – Thomas Huxley [H/t Jim Steele]

Number of the Week: – 68.3%


By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Scope: For the past several weeks TWTW has been reviewing some of the deficiencies in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6, 2021) by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), particularly its Summary for Policymakers (SPM) which includes a new hockey-stick with little evidence supporting it. Comments by statistician Steve McIntyre are devastating. He traced that the assertions that temperatures have been stable up to the industrial revolution come from a set of studies by an international paleoclimatology group based in Bern, Switzerland, known as PAGES 2k (PAst Global ChangES with 2k referring to the past 2000 years). The data are maintained by NOAA in Boulder. The most devastating criticism is the deliberate omission of high-resolution, well-established proxy studies of alkenone deposits (produced by marine algae). These deposits include those in limestone beds, and date back millions of years.

In light of the physical evidence, TWTW will comment on the UN’s false claims that “unprecedented and dangerous” global warming is causing a climate emergency. Also discussed is failure of alternatives to fossil fuels in Europe and in the US. This TWTW will include the recovery of Arctic sea ice with the northern winter approaching. Contrary to claims, this year, Arctic sea ice will not disappear, and polar bears will not soon become extinct.